
  • 27 replies
  • 53 subscribers

Hi all

I was diagnosed with Melanoma in June. I had this removed from my nose and also neck dissection. That was 6 weeks ago. I'm now waiting for scan results for my lungs abdomen and pelvis which I will get at my 1st Oncology appt next Friday. Has anyone else been really anxious waiting for this and how have you coped best. I am a glass half empty person which I know is not good. Any advice or chat would be really helpful

Many thanks


  • Hi Parklands,

    I agree waiting is quite difficult. I am having talking therapy and definitely recommend it, if you have means and are open to it, as it helps to speak to a professional to process all the feeling we go through. I am also doing free "30days yoga with Adriane" from YouTube, especially like "Breath" series. 

    In general, I am trying not to overthink as worrying does not change the outcome, of course easier said than done. I am not engaging with people who have negative comments not only about my case but in general. 

    Hope this helps and fingers crossed you get good news next week.


  • Hi Elmyra. Thank you for replying to my post. I find it difficult talking to people sure you as I end up getting upset and making a fool of myself. How is your treatment going. And the yoga. How do you access this?

    Best wishes


  • Hi,

    Have a look into this link for yoga,, it starts very gentle and builds very slowly. I've never done yoga in my life but am loving it atm.

    I am gonna have WLE and SLNB soon, so looking forward to having it sorted and be back to my normal life.

    Oh and also, I am planning a trip I'd like to take in my head when all this is sorted as a reward to myself:) 

  • Thankyou Elmyra. I will look into it. What is WLW and SLNB?  It's so nice to speak to people in the same situation and know how I feel us not unusual!. Planning a trip sounds good to me

    It would be nice to stay in touch. Hopefully speak again soon xxx

  • Hi  yes I have struggled with the waiting all along. The build up to the oncologist meeting was torture I had myself tied in knots about going to the “ cancer hospital “. When I got there it was nothing like the images/nightmares I had been having.

    Personally I felt better after meeting the oncologist and getting a plan in place. My process started in the February and it was the middle of august before I met the oncologist, got assigned a cancer nurse etc the months of  waiting and worrying I really struggled with. 

    I was always a glass half full kinda girl but felt I turned into the opposite during the periods of waiting xx 

  • Hi Parklands….I think like most people here the diagnosis came as a complete shock and dealing with the emotions that come from that is really really hard….for me finding out as much as I possibly could about my diagnosis particularly the  terminology around this type of cancer helped….plus linking up with people on here as many of us are in a similar position and you can check in anytime….if you take a look at people’s profiles it will give you some idea of their story around this…..I have started to do an anxiety meditation on HeadSpace, something I haven’t tried before but I feel is helping, I try and keep my perspective to what’s happening that day and write myself a list of things I need to do and those I want to do…again a focus….I have a 4 week wait now to my next results following my WLE & SLNB earlier this week so just trying to keep my outlook to daily events rather than beyond….take care & keep checking in..

  • Hi Amcci. Thank you for getting touch. I am really struggling at the moment. I am waiting to go to Oncology for my 1st appt next Friday. Had lung ct 2 weeks ago and pelvis/abdomen ct yesterday. These are being sent to Leeds for my appt.  I'm so worried as I have developed a pain in my chest on breathing and of course and thinking it's spread to my lungs as there was 2 dots on there on my ct back in June.  I know I shouldn't think that but since being diagnosed I just feel my world has fallen apart. My husband and grown up children are a tremendous support but still feel so alone and unmotivated

    Let us all know how your treatment progresses xxx

  • Hi Ivysmum. So nice to talk to you. I like you am finding the whole waiting process so harrowing. It's nice to know that there are other people out there goin g through the same thing. I don't know about you but when I'm stressed I find me I don't want to do anything and that includes eating!!. I just feel sick all the time!!. I know I need to motivate myself but find it really hard as all I can think about is am I going to die from this!!. I havnt even been told how mine has been graded yet as my surgeon said tgats down to the oncology people.  Do you know if thats right?  I am so worried about my 1st Oncology appt next Friday I just feel sick.  I will let everyone know how I get on after then. 

    Thank you to all who contribute to this forum. Please keep in touch xxx

  • Hi again. Can you let me know what the anxiety meditation at Headspace is. I will look into it. What area if the country are you in?. Oh don't have to say if you don't want to.


  • Hi Parklands,

    WLE is for wide local excision and SLNB is for Sentinel lymph node biopsy.

    Yes initial staging is done by oncologist but preliminary one should be on the histology report for the mole that was removed. Maybe contact your specialist nurse or dermatologist. I found that they were happy to answer my follow up questions. 

    Also, please be gentle with yourself. It's OK not to feel OK, as it is a lot to go though. Is your GP aware of this process? I had a very long talk with my GP after my diagnosis and was helpful. 

    My first degree is in biology and I always remember one of my lecturers said "we all produce cancer cells all day everyday, but most of the time our body recognises them and kills them. Sometimes they escape and develop to be sinister little b.. rds. Than we turn into medicine for little help and adjustments" My point is, learning about the  process, terminology of melanoma etc might help to "normalise" it. 
