• 7 replies
  • 52 subscribers

Hello everyone... just wondering does everyone have a BRAF gene test or does it depend on your stage?

My Dr yesterday.... first follow up since diagnosis didn't mention it at  all.... I even had to ask hi how big the mole was they removed... 

  • Thank you so much. So I’m guessing they don’t test for BRAF if it hasn’t spread to the nodes?

    I love how everyone on here is so helpful and knows so much!

  • I sounds like that, and it makes sense given that a BRAF based treatment is only given when it has spread to lymph nodes, but I’m not a medic but have a lot of practise finding my way around the Macmillan information and support pages.

    I didn’t have a primary melanoma found so my first biopsy was to an enlarged lymph node.I had to wait an extra 2 weeks after my diagnosis for a BRAF result. I don’t know why the extra weeks (thought I’d get that in anticipating your next question).

    Take care KT

  • Thank you.

    Not sure when my wider removal and sentinel node check will be yet... I’m guessing in about 6-8 weeks... the waiting is the tricky part, I think everyone finds that.... waiting is never easy 

  • Hi Spanielmumma,

    I have asked the same Q to my Doc when I saw that they did genome sequencing on my mole. He said depending to the hospital and the lab, if they have means, they'll always do genomic sequence to screen for genes like BRAF, NRAS etc regardless of the stage. This is done, for precaution so if needed targeted therapy can be used, but also for research purposes. I have tested + for BRAF, which means if needed can have targeted therapy as BRAF is an acquired mutation and not hereditary, which is good news.

    Hope this helps,


  • Just to add to it. 

    I didn't really get any of that information.

    I didn't have lymph involvement (but satellites in skin) but did guess I was BRAF positive when offered targeted therapy. 

  • the first time braf was mentioned to me was the day I met the oncologist to discuss treatment. No one had ever mentioned it but I asked her ( braf negative ) so the pill option wasn’t suitable for me x