A Quiet Hello

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As it doesn't seem too noisy in here. Slight smile

Similar to   I have joined the incurables and my partner has just told me about this forum. 

I had a whipple procedure August '22 due to a large tumour in my duodenum. Mop up chemo has not got rid of the cancer which has now spread to some lymph nodes.

Next ct scan due in a couple of weeks - hope to see the result at next oncology appointment as I've not actually been shown the scans so far. Not sure what practical use that will be but it would be good to see what's happening. 

Not much else to report at the moment as I'm 'keeping well'.


  • Hi mikel. Do ask to see the scans. I was shown my latest scan and the previous one side-by-side and could definitely see how the lymph nodes had grown although I did need them pointed out initially but recognised my spine and kidneys without any help! Also saw my last PET scan on a second screen and that is like the difference between an analogue black and white TV and a digital UHD TV!

    Like you I don’t feel particularly unwell - my oncologist told me I wouldn’t feel ill whilst the cancer is contained within my lymphatic system (think she was trying to sell me a ‘silver lining’).

    Hope your results are the best they can be.


  • Thanks  

    Hope your appointment yesterday went well. Fingers crossed


  • Pleased to report no further spread but the affected lymph nodes have doubled in size in three months and my cancer markers have also doubled in the same period. There is a risk that the affected lymph nodes could swell to the degree that they compromise the blood supply to my kidneys so my oncologist is consulting with a radiotherapy specialist to see if I would benefit from some radiotherapy.

    All the best.
