Hi all,
I’m undergoing treatment for bladder cancer at the moment but recently attended a CT scan as part of the Targeted Lung Health Check Programme. This follows the first one I had two years ago.
The results this time show a 'pulmonary nodule on the right upper lobe.’ I have been asked to return for a further CT scan in 3 months time. Everything I have read about it doesn’t sound good so I would be grateful to hear the experiences / advice of others who may have had the same thing.
Many thanks
Hi Jeff, sorry that this is such a worry for you, and so uncertain. You could perhaps be a little reassured by the fact that they think that watching and waiting for 3 months is OK - that could mean they're not sure there's an actual problem, but think that seeing whether it has increased in size in 3 months is the appropriate plan to follow. I wonder if you could get a copy of the actual radiology report? I always found it easier on my anxiety levels to request the actual radiologist reports from all scans, rather than rely on a summarised version sent to my GP and copied to me. I don't pretend to understand all the medical terminology, but a couple of hours with google looking up the meaning of anything i didn't understand gave me a clearer picture and stopped me worrying so much. You may need to be persistent with the screening service to get them to give you more info. You will need your name, hospital number and date of your scan so they can find it easily, but it is yours and you're within your rights to ask if they can send you a copy (eg either through the post or as a pdf via email).
Thank you so much for your reply PamelaAnne much appreciated. It sounds sensible to get a copy of the Radiologist’s report I hadn’t thought of that. I’ll try and get it.
Thanks again for the advice.
I'm a Stage 4 lung cancer patient, diagnosed June 2019. I had a routine scan last year and like you a small nodule was noted, my Ongoligist wasn't to worried and kept an eye on me, I went back for a 3 month scan and it had gone, I just wanted to say I know it's hard but try not to think too much in to it, chances are, it'll have gone. Good Luck to you
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