Lung cancer

  • 5 replies
  • 169 subscribers


Has anyone heard of Cyberknife to treat lung cancer?

Some info came to me obviously not sure about it.

  • First I've heard of it Lizzi' Where did you come across it ?

    Just Googled it 

    CyberKnife treatment is a noninvasive alternative to surgery for treating cancerous and noncancerous tumors anywhere in the body. It delivers beams of high-dose radiation with extreme accuracy, targeting tumors while sparing healthy tissues. CyberKnife involves no incision and is used for Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS) and Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT).
  • Family sent it to me and thought I would share as l have never heard of it was going to ask the professionals about it.

  • I imagine the treatment centers would have to have the equipment installed and the people to operate it

  • Hi Lizzi,

    Cyberknife was one of the options on the table for my treatment, along with regular radiotherapy and surgery. In the end I stuck with immunotherapy until that stopped working, and then went with a lobectomy for certainty. With hindsight the cyberknife might have been the best option as in my case there wasn't any further spread to lymph nodes but they didn't know that until they had biopsied them.

    Basically cyberknife is state-of-the-art radiotherapy. It looks less like NHS and more like science fiction. Little sensors stuck to the body feed data back to the machine so that it can track the exact position of the tumour even while the tumour moves as you breathe in and out. The beam of radiation is thus allowed to be more concentrated on where it is needed and less on where it isn't. If you've ever seen one of those machines that spray paint car bodies it looks rather similar - a big articulated arm controlled by a computer moving all around you to shoot the beam at lots of different angles. The result is minimal-to-zero collateral damage to healthy tissue and greater concentration on the tumour.

    Hope all goes well for you. Don't get scared when you see the machine - it looks quite imposing but it really is the best of the best.

    Kind regards,

  • I think   has explained it very well, it is a form of radiotherapy that is so precise it doesn’t damage the healthy surrounding tissue in the way that normal radiotherapy does. I’ll pop a link below about cyberknife at the Royal Marsden.


    “Try to be a rainbow, in somebody else's cloud” ~ Maya Angelou

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