Hi I'm a newbie

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New to this forum. Have a 1.2cm nodule that has shown up on a CT Scan and PET scan revealed SUV of 2.7 to upper rt lung nodule and 6.5 SUV on the left cervical

  • lymph node. Biopsy result of lymph node was unsuccessful after 3 attempts tot obtain a tissue sample via fine needle. Scheduled to see cardiothoracic surgeon this week. I would like to connect to some who have similar experiences. My concern is that I have history of pneumonia whereas I was intubated for 2 and 1/2 months., trached and had 3 pnemothoraxes with chest tube's back in 1985. Wondering what my chances are of having this nodule removed.
  • Hi Dine

    So very sorry that you have cause to be on here.

    I cannot help regarding the biopsy. however all treatment plans take into account underlying health issues, although I am not sure that they would go as far back as 1985.

    Have you considered or been offered the pneumonia vaccine?   There are two versions'  the NHS version cover 20+ viruses that contribute to pneumonia, the private one offered by Boots etc covers 13 viruses. Following successful lung cancer treatment, i had the private version at a cost of around £70.

    If you are worried about a recurrence of pneumonia, then have a chat with your GP or Consultant regarding the benefits of having the vaccination.

    I wish you the best possible outcomes.

    Kegsy x

    "If you are going through hell, keep going" ; Sir Winston Churchill
    " Cancer may take my life; however it will not become my life" Kegsy August 2011