Frozen biopsy

  • 7 replies
  • 168 subscribers

Hi everyone.

I have a 15mm growth at the top of my right lung, discovered  in October last year.I have had two CT scans, one PET scan, which had mild take up so was inconclusive. A failed needle biopsy , because it is in a tricky place. 

I'm now on a 6 week wait for a frozen biopsy and if it is cancer some of my lung will be removed.

I am absolutely terrified and stressed out of my head , as this diagnosis is taking so long 

Has anyone had a similar experience?

  • Hi - yes i have been going through the diagnosis process for 5 months; finally had a wedge resection last week which i hope (but a told may not ) provide the definitive info needed for a diagnosis. In my case there seem to be a lot of rare options under consideration as well as the more usual ones, but it is frustrating that more suggestions seem to be being made rather than than fewer. I hope you get the answers needed soon

  • I wish you well too. Hope you get answers soon .

  • They have to have a very good idea before the growth can be treated by whatever means. There are so many different treatments so they need the one which will best target your growth.

    I know it seems to take an age to have av diagnosis and then treatment. I started my journey in January 2023 and finally had a lobectomy in lad May 2023. Try to occupy your mind and keep busy. I watched a lot of tv, read books, sewed and anything else that I could think of.

    I hope you have some action soon and things move on more quickly from there

    All the best Daisy

  • Thank you. I hope you are now doing well. Best wishes 

  • Hi daisychain

    Hope you're doing well.

    I'm due to have a lobectomy on Tuesday. Hopefully through the VAT procedure.  Can you tell me what it was like and how you felt after the surgery.

    Thank you

  • Hello there, 

    I was first in line on a Monday morning. I came to in HDU with a morphine pump and was very woozy and went back to sleep. The next thing I was in the ward with a chest drain and being checked for blood pressure etc. I was given oral morphine which may have blocked up my digestive system but they also gave me Carbocistein to relieve this. I was up and about the same day and walking up and down and using the bathroom. I was in for a week as I had a mild infection which gave me atrial fibrillation. I went home as soon as the heart thing had settled. I don’t have it now.

    I made sure to get up and walk everyday whilst in hospitals when I came out. It’s very important to take all the pain relief so you can cough and clear your lungs. It really wasn’t a difficult experience. It was the first time in hospital for me since childbirth. I suggest you take some fruit flavoured sweets as my sense of taste was not good for a While with the meds and the anaesthetic. Drink plenty and have fruit and veg. Try to eat even if you don’t feel like it.

    Just try to relax. Our hospital staff were very kind and helpful and I hope all goes as well for you as it did for me. Just keep moving and take pain relief as given. The more you go out and about the quicker you will recover.

    Wishing you all the best and do ask if you want more information. Love Bouquet

  • BTW, I had a VATs procedure. Either way they did a very good job. Bio oil is very good fro treating the scabs where the drain and operation entered your chest. Love Daisy