New diagnosis - Sqamous lung cancer Stage 4, incurable but hopefully maintainable

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  • 156 subscribers

Hi - am still in shock as was not expecting to be told yesterday that I have incurable metastasised lung cancer - I was so sure that it would turn out to be secondary breast ( unsure as to whether that would have been better or not - just more familiar). Operation and radiotherapy apparently are no longer an option . Have my first lung oncology appointment next Tuesday when the remaining test results are expected to be in and my treatment options will be explained. I feel overwhelmed and plain scared - I already have an incurable but medically controlled blood cancer (CLL). Future seems very uncertain right now. 

  • Hi  welcome to the group but sorry you find yourself here. You have been through such a lot already and it seems so unfair that you are facing this again. Having a cancer diagnoses is terrifying even if it isn’t your first time, it doesn’t make it any easier. 

    I hope your appointment goes well for you next Tuesday, and you get your treatment plan. Surgery is often ruled out, we have seen many people here in the group where this wasn’t an option, but there are many treatments for lung cancer available now. Please let us know how you get on. 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Dear Chelle,

    Thank you for your kind message. Am not finding this an easy diagnosis to process but hope I will be more optimistic when I get an actual treatment plan next week. They are moving very fastÄş it is the 'terminal' label which is freaking me out.

    All best wishes.


  • Hi, new to this forum but not the breast cancer forum. I have a similar story but not where you are right now. I had BC again last year after 31 years, same breast, no lymph node involvement, mastectomy Letrozole all done an dusted. Recently due to a stomach issue, had an ultra sound which showed shadows on the liver, so had a ct scan which showed liver fine but a nodule on my lung and enlarged axillary lymph nodes. The breast dept said the lymph nodes are actually smaller than last year so nothing to do with them. However I found out that the node was there last year, 1cm in size, never mentioned! Now it is 2cm. Had a pet scan, no sign of cancer anywhere except the now diagnosed Tumour on the lung, which is on the edge of the lung. Now here comes another problem, I have emphysema so waiting to hear is my breathing tests are good enough so I can be operated on, if not? Also the lung dept have not ruled out secondary BC, they said we won't know if primary lung or Bc unless they get the tumour in the lab. So I don't know if I am terminal or not. I am so sorry you find yourself in this terrifying position, all we can do is fight with the cards we have been dealt with! Here for you if you need a shoulder. Massive ((((HUGS))) xxxx

  • sorry to hear your news I’m sure you will find a lot of support on this site . Keep n touch thinking of you x Chris 

  • Dear Casmo

    Thank you for your email. I am so sorry to hear your news. You sound so together . Waiting is awful. I too have what is termed mild emphysema and according to the lung function test nurse apparently did absolutely fine . Hopefully you will be fine and fit enough to be operated on. Fingers and toes crossed for you . Thank you for your supportive answer. Xxxx