New here, mum diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer with it spread to the lining of her lungs

  • 16 replies
  • 159 subscribers

Hello everyone

I found out my mum had stage 4 cancer with the cancer having spread to the lining of her lungs. We are all devastated and in shock.

i wanted to ask anyone if they have had similiar experiences and what to expect.

ka there anything that helped anyone with relief? I’ve been told soursop helps patients a lot.

thanks in advance 

  • Stay strong your in right place somebody will be in touch to help we are all here to help each other when we can, 

    I have stage 3 lung cancer and have lots of support on here , take care and hope your mum gets some relief 

    Donna xxx 

  • Hi  welcome to the group, but sorry you to hear about your mums diagnoses. It is terrifying when a loved one receives a cancer diagnoses, and it is important to look after yourself whilst caring for mum. If you haven’t done already do look at the other support groups here on the online community. 
    Carers only forum 

    Family and friends forum 

    My cancer journey is different to your mums, but unfortunately I didn’t find anything that helped with my cough at the beginning of my diagnoses. I assume this is what you are referring too when mentioning relief. I haven’t heard of soursop, and unfortunately I think most people here will agree with me when I say the only relief I experienced was once I started my treatment. 

    Now that mum has her diagnoses hopefully she won’t have to wait too long for her treatment plan. 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Hi Nazia,

    re: soursop

    So-called complimentary medicines and alternative treatments are at best placebos and at worst damaging to the medically proven treatments that will be prescribed by doctors. Don't do it.

    I get that hearing those three awful word "stage four cancer" will prompt an anything and everything response to try to combat it. I know, I've been there. What I did was ask my consultant what I could do, if anything, to improve my chances. I took the attitude if he says "jump" I say "how high" and did it to the letter. Six years later I'm still here.

    kind regards

  • Thanks for your kind message. I’m glad you are getting the right support here and being so brave x

  • Thanks for your positive and encouraging message Steve. I’m glad that it’s been a possible experience where you’ve come out stronger.

  • Hey Nazia 

    I’m so sorry to hear about your mum’s diagnosis. I know it’s hard. My mum also has stage 4 cancer and as I’m at home I’ve seen her when she’s been in extreme pain. Her oncologist has been amazing. He started her on chemo but didn’t go in aggressive and her palliative care nurses have also been amazing with getting her pain medication right and monitoring her bowel movements.

    she has only had two rounds of chemo but I see an improvement in her already..

    All I can suggest is that you take it one day at a time, listen to the medical professionals & never lose hope. I was the same by the way… I would google things to give her n even tried juicing but because her cancer had spread to her stomach she couldn’t tolerate a lot of food especially raw food or juices (much harder to digest). I’m just grateful she has an appetite and will give her whatever she feels like eating.  

    wishing you and mum all the best Sparkles

  • Thanks gabby that sounds great Nat the chemo has helped and she is not in the pain that she was in before. I wish her a speedy recovery 

    can I ask how often are the chemo treatments please? Is there anything that has helped you guys prepare for this or during? 
    yes you are right, I should focus on gratitude and be hopeful and strong for her too x

  • I have stage 4 lung terminal ofcouse but I am having imunotherapy and it's seems to be doing a good job ,very little side effects and has halted my cancers in both my lungs and spine ,for me the wonder treatment 

    Are you or have you been out on this it may help ofcouse Im know doctor but maybe it will help 

  • Wow I’m so happy for you jenson. That amazing news

    we are just waiting on test results to check if there are any mutations before we can check which treatments are the best for her 

  • Thank you for this info and your kind message Heart️