New here, mum diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer with it spread to the lining of her lungs

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  • 159 subscribers

Hello everyone

I found out my mum had stage 4 cancer with the cancer having spread to the lining of her lungs. We are all devastated and in shock.

i wanted to ask anyone if they have had similiar experiences and what to expect.

ka there anything that helped anyone with relief? I’ve been told soursop helps patients a lot.

thanks in advance 

  • She goes in to hospital on day one for iv (cisplatin) this takes around 6 hours… then 4 tablets a day of capecitabine for 14 days. Then a week off and then repeat (for 6-8 cycles) she’s on her 2nd now. In terms of prep we just had to get her eating again and I used to do some light stretching and breathing exercises with her. I give her a massage most nights as well to help her sleep. Moisturising every day as well to limit the side effedts of this drug. I’m struggling to get her out the house which is what the oncologist asked us to do (just for her mental health). 

     You’ll find a new little routine that works for you and your mum. Sending you both lots of love and light. Hope all goes well for her and please stay in touch!  x 

  • Thanks so much for sharing your experience.  I have no idea what to expect so this is really helpful even tho everyone will be unique in their situation. The massages are also a really good idea because my mum

    also struggles to sleep. Often her head is quite hot so she needs the fan on.

    good luck with your mum and I hope both of you guys stay strong. Thanks il defo keep in touch and please also let me know about your mum Heart️ xx

  • Hi Nazia.  I'm going through the same with my Dad. Stage 4 nsclc. He's just started Radiotherapy and then will go onto Immunotherapy iA. It takes a while to get to this point due to waiting for the biopsy results and then discussion at MDT etc. 

    I'm not sure about any herbal remedies etc. But I think a good balanced diet is important. Gut health is important for immunotherapy so we have been encouraging my dad to have live yoghurt etc. Green tea., lots of berries. But it's hard because we also want to spoil him with treats in these difficult times. 

    Hope you get a plan soon for your mum Pray tone3 

  • Thanks so much for your message. I’m sorry to hear that about your dad.

    That’s  helpful thank you - are there any yoghurt that you recommend as the activia gut ones have a lot of processed sugar?

    I hope your dad makes a speedy Rocovery iA. Please keep up in your duas

  • Stay strong, it's a tough ride,but there is plenty of support  for your mum, yourself and family.Just being there,caring and  sharing those special moments.Special thoughts to you both .

    My husband has been very recently diagnosed with stage 3b cancer (Mesothelioma/asbestos).We have our good days ,bad days ,our ups and downs .Not easy but we have to make the most of our time together,sharing the memories.

  • Thanks so much for your response. It still feels very surreal most of the time and I’m anxious for when it will sink in.

    what makes the days bad can I ask? You are right we should be grateful we are still able to have these special moments. It’s quite hard at the moment because she’s not in great health and I hope that she’s not going to be like this forever.

    I hope your husband makes a recovery and sending thoughts to you too x