Here I go again …..

  • 8 replies
  • 149 subscribers

Hi everyone. 
just joined today. Five years ago I was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma in left lung. Long story short. Half lung removed. Five PE’s after surgery. I have an autoimmune disease affecting bones. Psoriatic Arthritis. I developed skin cancer on forehead and double vision. So been a pretty crap five years. Well, just as I bought myself a piano, had my hair cut got my ears pierced and decided to dip my toe back into the land of the living, I get a call from oncology Nurse last week to tell me the tumours in my right lung have shown signs of growth Pensive  I am gutted. She said don’t panic but of course I am. The two nodules in my right lung haven’t grown and now they are. I keep thinking am I going down the same road all over again. Five years on. Next week I see my Thoracic Consultant and I will then know where I am. Upset. Scared and totally tired of it all. If the cancer is in right lung now I guess it’s mestatistised. Cry

  • Oh dear, you poor soul.  PEs?

  • Pulmonary Embolism. Five clots in lungs. 

  • Oh, I was worried that was what you meant, but hoped I was wrong.

  • Hi  welcome to the group,  it so sorry you have had to join us here. I am so sorry you have had this news, and I know how hard this wait is going to be before you see the thoracic consultant. I really do feel for you as I was in a similar situation, just passed my 5 year clear for my womb cancer, to be told it had come back in the lungs. Like you say, you feel like you can start actually living again, and then it all comes crashing down. 

    I know it’s hard, and you think here I go again, but you got through it before, you can get through it again. It does sound like they have been keeping an eye on you, so if the nodules have grown they will be tiny. 

    Please let us know when you have spoken to the consultant. 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Thank you. Yes you know how I feel. Trying to stay positive. Never had any support from macmillan last time but may need it this time. It’s a dreadful nightmare to go thru. So sorry you have been there too. How are you?

  • I’m ok, it’s not easy, but I’ve been living with this for a long time now. You can read my story by clicking on my profile picture which will take you to my profile page.

    I don’t know if you have a maggies centre near you, as they are very helpful as well as the Macmillan centres. You can see what Macmillan have local to you Here just pop in your postcode. 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Thank you. Take care x