New here. Very scared

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  • 150 subscribers

I’ve been diagnosed with lung cancer, mets in spine. I initially went to gp in September 23 complaining that I couldn’t breathe in fully. He listened to my chest briefly and said “sounds ok”. Went back to docs november 23 with pain on left side in ribs and abdomen going through to the back, sharpness when breathing. Doc referred me for physio as said it’s probably muscular. Went back again with same symptoms in March. Finally decided to give ultrasound of abdomen and pelvis. Found sludge in gall bladder and obstructed bile duct so said it’s referred pain. Also b12 deficient. After going back for several b12 injections, I asked the gp to look at my diaphragm which looked distorted on the left. Decided to send me for CT scan of pelvis. Still wouldn’t have found it only for the CT scanner deciding to do from thoracic that found left lower lobe partial collapse and moderate fluid on left lung and boney lesions in spine, pelvis and thighs. Tested fluid and found cancer cells and said lesions in spine secondary. Further tests they say have concluded primary is the lung. I’m devastated to say the least. I’m 56 and otherwise fit and well. I’m now having to wait again for them to decide what treatment can be given as it’s not curable. Thanks for listening. 

  • No real practical help to offer you, I'm unable to, but that sounds dreadful, I'm so sorry to hear that.  Will the excuse be you are too young??

  • You must be devastated and I send you all my thoughts and prayers. I hope it won’t be too long before you have more information. Have your hospital given you a dedicated cancer nurse? I suggest you call a MacMillan nurse tomorrow as the are very helpful in their listening and maybe some advice for you. Please don’t read doctor Google as much of it is out of date.

    I wish you the best BouquetBouquetDaisy

  •   welcome to the group, but so sorry you have had to join us here. My goodness what an ordeal you have been through to get a diagnoses. I am so sorry this has happened to you. 

    Lung cancer treatment has come such a long way in recent years, and incurable does not mean it is not treatable, and people on treatment are living far longer lives than ever before. 

    While you wait to find out what your treatment will be, I wonder if you may benefit from talking to someone about this diagnoses and support you through these next few weeks. Macmillan offer a buddy service, where a volunteer will call you once a week to chat, we find it much easier to chat to people we don’t know than the people who are closet to us. I will pop an information sheet below for you that explains all about the service and how you can apply.


    Please let us know what oncology decide. 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Yes I’ve got the lung specialist nurses numbers. I just want to get on the treatment now. I just feel very alone right now. My husband is fantastic and being so strong for me but I know he’s really crumbling. I find it difficult to talk to anyone without bursting into tears.

  • Thank you for your words of positivity. I’m trying my best to be positive and try to get on with life but I can’t think about anything else. 

  • Hello again

    I was lucky with my cancer but my husband was also very supportive and falling apart at the same time. I didn’t want to talk about it to my family initially so emailed and then messaged them. It’s the waiting that can get at you. Once you know what I’d going to happen it becomes a bit more manageable but not necessarily easier.

    I hope you have some news in the near future but in the meantime, I found talking (and crying) to the Samaritans really helped without upsetting any of the family any further. I used their service on several occasions. It was a way of unloading all those feelings.

    Love Daisy Rainbow

  • Thanks Daisy.  Im going to have a go and talk to Macmillan.  Yes the waiting is horrendous especially being in pain with it, you just think the worst is happening.  Ive been to a doctor who does IV treatments so that I can get my immune system ready for whatever they throw at me. Anything I can do to make it work, I will.