New here - wife diagnosed last October, lost so much weight, any advice?

  • 7 replies
  • 151 subscribers

Hi I'm new here and want to say hi all. My wife has lung cancer with brain metastases which was diagnosed last October. She has had radiotherapy,2 types of chemo and immunotherapy together. She has lost so much weight through not eating and I'm at my wits end with what to do next,any advice would be so great fully received, thanks.

  • Hi  welcome to the group but sorry to hear about your wife. Is your wife not eating because of the pain from the radiotherapy or from general lack of appetite?I know when I had radiation my  oesophagus  was burnt and I struggled to eat anything but cold soft food, ice cream being the best. Have you spoken to her doctors about this, there are high calorie drinks that can be prescribed by the GP. 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
    • Hi chellesimo thanks for your reply, my wife isn't eating I think due to her chemo being stopped along with the steroids.i will speak to the lung team tomorrow,if she gets worse today then I'll call the chemo emergency line.
  • Hi my partner lost his appetite when the steroids were stopped so they gave him more for a week which we were lucky brought his appetite back otherwise it would have been dietician and so on. I hope your wife feels a little better soon 

  • Thanks for your reply,we are currently at the hospital waiting to be seen having spoken with the chemo urgent advice line who said to bring her in to be examined.

  •    I’m glad you spoke to them and it is best that your wife is checked at the hospital. I hope you are both back home soon with better news. 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • My dad is in a similar position! Will follow along here for any advice. He’s feeling like he can’t fight as he’s so thin x

  • Hope all went as well as it could and she's home now