Breathless after lobectomy

  • 17 replies
  • 172 subscribers

Hi Everyone,I’m new here. I had à lobectomy 11 days ago. I find I’m struggling to breath. I was relatively fit before the operation so it’s a big shock to be short of breath. Has anyone else experienced this and does it improve over time?

  • Hi Tay

    I was warned pre-lobectomy that it was likely I’d be short of breath afterwards. It’s now 6 months on and I have more coughing and mucus than before. I’m also somewhat breathless. I can still walk at a relatively rapid pace but I can’t talk at the same time. Going up hill takes longer and I have to stop to catch my breath.

    I practiced my walking every day as soon as I came out of hospital. It does slowly improve but I suspect it’s now as good as it gets. BTW, I can still run for a bus and I’m not too breathless afterwards.

    Best wishes x

  • Morning Tay and welcome,

    I am 11 weeks post Lobectomy (Lower Left Lobe) today,

    I was warned pre op about loss of capacity (circa 18 to 20%) but post op it shocked me just how breathless I had become (36% loss). I am an avid walker, and have managed to get my distances back and slowly my breathing has improved but still nowhere near (and never will be) where I was pre op.

    Also found because I was unable to breath as before, and tended to be taking shallow breaths (due to op pain) instead of deep breaths, I wasn't oxygenating bloods properly and this was affecting leg muscle pain as I walked, I have now learned how to "breath again" to avoid this.

    You will recover some of your lung capacity, but not all I'm afraid, only exercising your lungs will help increase your breathing ability.

    It takes time, don't get frustrated with this, you'll get there with patience.

  • Thanks for your response Daisychain. If you can still run for a bus you are doing well. I shall do all my exercises and try to be patient and hopeful that my breathing gets better. Best Wishes Tay

  • Hi Sculptor,

    Thank you for getting back to me. Unfortunately,I didn’t know that my lung capacity would be so shallow and wasn’t advised about the aftermath of the operation so all very shocking how feeble I became.Like you,I’m a walker but owing to an entirely different illness, was unable to do as much prior to this operation. 
    so now I will learn to breath again. It’s very tricky to consciously think about breathing but as you say patience,practice and determination may help increase my lung capacity.

    Thank you for your kind advice. 

  • Hi Tay

    I had my top left lobe taken 18 months ago, I was struggling to breath for a good few months afterwards but it does get better, 11 days is still very early so don't stress. x

  • Hi Deb,

    Thanks for your support and positive advice. It’s really cheered me up! X

  • Hi Tay.

    I am now 5 weeks post lobectomy and as others have mentioned,  I do experience breathlessness but it is improving.  In my case it is obviously influenced by other factors because one minute I will be breathlessness from walking upstairs and he next day I will be fine. You are very early on your road to recovery , so please don't worry too much. We are all individuals but one of my mistakes has been to expect too much of myself and over do it when I am having a good day. I always suffer the next day Blush

    Take care of yourself. We are all here to support you. Slight smile


  • Hello Di,

    thank you for taking the time to reply and thank you for the reassurance. 
    Best Wishes to you. Tay

  • I’m same time period after right mid lobectomy and today I’ve noticed my breathing more difficult, I keep catching my breath and feel breathless. 
    quite disconcerting but I am still in a lot of pain and it’s early days so trying not to worry. 

  • How are you feeling now you are further down the line - I am 10 weeks post surgery from a left upper lobectomy carried out by open surgery - my breathing is still poor but my oxygen levels go back up when I sit down - I am very tired all the time - they also broke 3 ribs during surgery so I gave the pain from that too - still sleeping in a recliner chair as laying in bed is too uncomfortable - any tips would be appreciated tcm