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Hello to you all, my father was diagnosed 3 weeks ago with stage 4 lung cancer, along with it spreading to liver and kidney. He has rapidly declined in the last 2 day but his breathing is still quite good. He cannot eat can hardly swallow the medication, his legs are very swollen and has now lost all mobility and has took to bed, he’s very sleepy but is still so restless at the same time. He has been told he’s to weak for the chemo and I  feel like the end is very near, He has been prescribed the injections to help with the end of life but who do I contact to administer these injections and when do I know when? I’m heart broken but am trying to keep strong and things together and him as comfortable as possible. He’s so frightened, although he hasn’t  said that but the look in his eyes say it all . Any help, advise or tips would be much appreciated.

  • Hello Marie Claire,

    I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. it's a very strange worrying time for you both. Get in touch with your GP practice and ask the district nurses to visit you. They are the ones who will visit your dad and administer the injections or patches he needs. Also, your local Palliative care team will be able to support you and liaise with the GP regarding your dad's needs. i have recently lost my husband and found that the support is out there but you are not always informed where to get the help you need. I hope I have been of help to you. 

    Ann Lee