Newly diagnosed with incurable lung cancer.

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Hi everyone. 

  • Hi Jean. Thinking of you and sending you hugs & love xx

  • Hi 

    my wife has been diagnosed with a incurable but treatable lung cancer, we just found out on Tuesday and It had caused us great anxiety and stress we are going to see oncologist on Tuesday and I am scared to death on what he might say.

    any help or advice would be much appreciated 

  • Hello yes I feel the same, got to go to hospital on Tuesday to find out what treatment I'm going to have as I've got a tumer and nodules on my lung. They tried to operate but no success? 

  • Best of luck with your appointment

  • Hi Aston 007 cool name. Sorry to hear about your wife and you of course as it affects everyone around you. My cancer cannot be cured as I have NSCLC/SCLC lung cancer and it is the SCLC that will get me in the end. I was diagnosed in March 21 and I was like you and LaineyJ scared witless not knowing what was going to happen. I had 20 sessions of the highest dose of radiation going the affect it had on me was I was tired all the time and some back pain but bearable but everyone is different. 

    As you know it is treatable cancer you are half way there, the scary bit is finding out what treatment is available to your wife which there are quite a few and your oncologist will discuss the best options for your wife. You will also be allocated a cancer nurse who you can contact and talk things over if you are worried about anything. Don't let cancer spoil your life live it to the full and day by day and you will find even though its there it won't keep popping up in your mind every minute of the day.

    Get Tuesday over with then you will have a plan, just remember no matter what is said it will be the best for your wifes wellbeing. Let me know how you go on and remember all of us are here for you to talk to. Jean xx

  • Grumpy nana, thank you for taking the time to reply and the words of encouragement, I am surprised at how helpful it has been so again thank you. since I found out it has been an emotional rollercoaster, I keep crying at work for sometimes almost no reason i am lucky that in a very male environment my colleagues have been very supportive. 
    I will definitely take on board what you have said and will update on Tuesday once we know the next phase of treatment. 
    i guess I thought incurable and terminal were the same thing and it did freak me out , but reading other people’s journeys my opinion has changed and I am trying to be more positive and optimistic. 
    if not for me then at least for her, I think there is always hope. 

  • Hi its OK to cry it helps to relieve the stress build up, don't think about the cancer until Tuesday I know it's easier said but it is still going to be there so why let it upset the rest of the week for you and your wife. There is a load of treatments and help for you to so try and not feel alone about it.

    We don't talk about my outcome at home because we know what is going to happen eventually. I will fight to the very end and so will you and your wife you will be surprised how much strength you have in you. 

    Good luck for Tuesday and can't wait to hear your good news. Love Jean x Ps hugs to your wife and tell her I'm rooting for her

  • Thank you it really helps talk, and yes I will record the conversation between the consultant and myself, I'm hoping my wife can come in as well x

  • Hi Muffin, so sorry to hear of your diagnoses, my husband was diagnosed the same 8 weeks ago, four years prior he rang the bell to neck  cancer all clear 

    I really feel what your going through, its broken me and our two girls for a 2nd time, we know its not curable this time but treatable its too close to his main arteries for surgery, but they are using a targeted therapy on a 3 week cycle, his treatment is, Carboplatin/Apaclitaxel and Pembolizumab both approved, after each cycle the 3-4 days wiped ... its another process me my husband and are two daughters  have deal with again, with the support of the Macmillan team ( they are great!) this time it really has affected me mentally, trying to support our girls and carry my husband... this time I have reached out for help, I felt like and still do feel like Im in a swamp at the moment....but now I've put counselling  is now on had ( thanks to Macmillan) not just for me ..but to help me support my family better... I wish you all the best, please stay in touch....sending you big hugs x

  • Hi they always say take someone with you because most of the conversation is a blur because you can't process everything that is being said and that is normal. I was glad i my daughter came with me because she asked questions so she knew the processes so take your wife as support because it will help her to. Jean xx