Immunotherapy with Durvalumab

  • 2 replies
  • 77 subscribers

Hi, my husband has had 7 rounds of monthly durvalumab after 6 weeks of chemo/radiotherapy.   He was ok after the first 5 sessions, but then started going downhill, getting memory loss, confusion, appetite loss and severe anxiety attacks.  He has had blood tests and brain scans which were clear, but now his legs have swelled up with fluid so he is being treated for that via the GP.   The consultant paused the immunotherapy for a month, so he has now had 7 sessions and we have to decide whether to carry on to complete the 12 months.  He was on steroids, prendisolone, for a rash, which were gradually stopped over a few weeks and he has improved somewhat, so we don't know if it was those or the treatment causing the problems.  My dilemma is, if we carry on treatment and he gets other side effects, these are normally treated with steroids, so we go back to square one.   Also, will not proceeding with the rest of the sessions mean his prognosis won't be as good?   I have spoken to the consultant about all this, but just wondered if anyone here has had similar problems.

  • Hi  I don’t have any personal experience with immunotherapy, but wanted to come on to say I am so sorry to hear that your husband is having these side effects. I am sure his consultant will only let him continue with the treatment if he believes he is well enough to do so, and I personally think I would have to try one more round if it was me, as this next round may be easier. I guess you don’t know until you try.

    Wishing you both the very best, let us know how your husband gets on. 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Thank you so much for your reply, and I think you are right. X