what will be sugury for earlier lung cancer and how long it takes for recovery

  • 11 replies
  • 72 subscribers

I just newly diagnoised with lung adenocarcinoma T1 b (12 mm in earlier August CT scan) ,I will have a sugury in earlier October time .

Anybody could shaire any experience about the surgury for the lung? and how is the recovery process ? how long will feel a kind of normal .

Thank you for your kind attention and support .

Very much appreciated .

  • I had my surgery 20th August all went well came home 4 days later with a drain in to be honest Ifound the  position of the drain very uncomfortable it was taken out on my next appointment 30th August so I had it 10 days . I found it more comfortable with it out although I was still sore slowly I am recovering. They want me walking as much as is comfortable every day may be different in different areas hope this helps a little 

  • Thank you Dito for your kind reply. So you had the drain on longer than average. Have you used strong pain killer? How much lung you have been removed? Only segmentectomy or lobectomy? Are you still use pain killers now? Could you do some house jobs now? I have an autistic child that demands me constantly. That's why I alway think how long I will recovery? I did another CT yesterday hopefully not increase lots since the CT August. If not increase fast. Then doctor said he can do segmentectomy. Thank you.

  • I was diagnosed.in March, had chemo/immunotherapy then surgery on the 03 June,( Lobectomy ) was in icu for 5 days due to poor.pain management, then on the ward 5 days before going home, Chest drain was taken out on day 5, Walking around more without walker.aid, The energy levels are low especially when I do abit of house work, Still can't lift anything heavy as it puls on everything, I had a 1st Ct scan last month, Getting results tomorrow, Fingers crossed all good , 

  • Hi, I was diagnosed in November last year and had right upper lobectomy in January of this year. In high dependency unit overnight, another night on the ward and then discharged home with my drain still in. I can't compare my surgery to anything else as it's the first operation I've had, but pain relief was given regularly but was still uncomfortable when coughing but doable. I started walking as soon as I got home (I have a treadmill) just for 10 or 15 minutes a few times a day. I found going upstairs made me really breathless but every time I did it, it got a bit better. My drain was taken out at 16 days and that was such a relief, managed to stop most of my painkillers then. Things slowly but surely improved, I'm now 8 months post op, recent CT Scan and chest xray was fine, next CT Scan due in April then going to yearly if everything is okay, fingers crossed and I'm back walking, have to slow down on the hills, and playing golf twice a week. Onwards and upwards. It's tough for a few months but there is light at the end of the tunnel, hope all goes well for you xx

  • Bella: Thank you to share your experience ,its really too long for 16 days to remove the drain,my doctor said maximum will be 2 weeks and average its only 3-4 days . my god ,everybody are different . Big fingers crossed for you. xx

  • Hi Bella:

    Have you had any chem or radio therapy after right upper lobectomy? What the size was  at that time? my one located in right upper lung as well ,doctor said if its not grow aggressively then only remove segment .just did CT yesterday to see how much grow now ,fingers crossed  not too much grow .it was 12 mm in August.

  • Sorry to hear this and it sounds take longer to recovery, maybe its chemo therapy added something before surgery ? What was the size at that time before sugery ? thank you to sharing your experience.

  • Hi there, my tumour was 24mm adenocarcinoma,  lymph nodes were clear so no further treatment needed, very fortunate. Hopefully you'll get some answers soon x

  • Hi I came home from hospital after 4 days with a drain in . Operation on 20th August drain taken out 30th August 

  • thks a lot Bella to share your experience. its very encouraging news. Wish you all the best .take care.xx