Selpercatinib/retevmo treatment for met lung cancer

  • 1 reply
  • 72 subscribers

Hi all.

I am currently on Selpercatinib for my stage 4 lung cancer. I am looking for anyone else on the same treatment, as I have nowhere to go for questions. Is there a specific support group for this?

I am especially interested in the effect it has on kidneys. My team keep telling me it is damaging my kidneys, so we stop treatment for a week or more then go back on it, then stop again. We have also reduced the dose. I just don't feel that this is helpful to my body, but wondered if anybody else has had a similar experience.

Thank you

  • Hi   sorry your treatment sounds rough. I hope the lesser dose helps. 

    I have done a search of the site for posts about Selpercatinib but haven’t been able to find anything unfortunately. Have you looked at the Roy castle lung cancer site to see if anyone has mentioned it there? 


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