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Evening folk, I had an appointment with the respiratory specialist today after coughing and wheezing for 2 months,back and forward to the doctors 4 sets of antibiotics and 3 day course of steroids didn’t work so had X-rays and the ct scan with dye inserted which showed mass on lung along I went to hospital for my appointment which to be told I’ve lung cancer on left lung,lymph nodes and behind collarbone’s,was a complete shock as I’m just getting to grips with having prostate cancer and have had 3 injections of HT since April which I’m glad to say was caught early stages,I’ve to go on Tuesday for a biopsy hinging on my oxygen levels being ok as I have to get it down my throat,I will fight this with all my heart but will take me a few days to sink in,my wife’s a bit of a state but I’m trying to stay strong for the family,thanks Robert 

  • Bless you what a journey you are on so glad the you have reach out to people who are in a similar boat this lung cancer boat . I find talking to others here helps me . I had a  xray then a scan that showed something suspicious from there a pet scan then a biopsy. Now I have my operation date to have a lobotomy. I wish you strength faith to take you through the next phase of your journey.

  • Thankyou for your kind words Dito,yes I find this site comforting although my family’s been loving and caring until your in this position it’s hard to fully understand xx

  • Seldom raise a smile when I read a post on here, but I think you meant to type lobectomy but no worries we know what you meant with your kind words x

  • Hello Robert1, what a shock  share the same outcome as you , had a curable cancer removed in August last year  now i am  diagnosed  with cancer in left lung and two other tumours in other organs.We were called in at 7pm at night to see a surgeon I have just recently seen an oncologist  and undergone SABR to one lung.  I hope your Treatment proceeds more quickly if only to reduce the worry for you & your wife. I wake up each morning  thinking how have I gone from  managing my health to being seriously ill  what about you? I wish you every best wish as you go through the next  part of your journey.    

  • All the best with this new journey Robert, tough times mate, stay strong, thoughts are with you and your family.

  • Thanks I’m just looking forward to Tuesday and my biopsy and hopefully my oxygen level stays up,but I feel much better today 

  • My family have been shocked devastated at my results they are all trying to support me, but I get so much comfort hearing how people on here cope where they are on this cancer journey. Like you I feel only those who have walked this path can fully understand. Stay strong be positive. 

  • Just made me laugh what a plonker I am 

  • As long as we can still laugh m8Fist

  • Hi Robert, exactly the same for me, bit of a cough and then a small lump on my collarbone, 2 weeks later diagnosed with small cell lung cancer, it is in my right lung and contained within my chest cavity a cluster of lymph nodes, I am 56 and about to start chemo and immunotherapy on Thursday, my partner and I feel very alone and very despondent as after seeing the oncologist we are being told inoperable and best case scenario is maybe 12-18 months to live, with all the chemo etc to come it feels so pointless and I feel as though I may as well just give up now, no positivity at all from the NHS even though I have heard of people lasting 3 or 4 years, it would have been nice to know if that was a possibility however remote.