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My partner has squamous cell lung cancer. He was diagnosed about a year ago and had 4 sessions of chemo at the beginning  along with 3 weekly immunotherapy. He is now at the end of week 3 of 4x5 radiotherapy treatment and continues on 6 week cycles of pembrolizumab. (Had approx 1 years treatment of this). He is getting the accepted side effects,i.e. worsening cough, more breathless,just beginning to get burning feeling in oesophagus. This week he has begun to get bad sweats,can happen at any time but particularly at night. So bad that it wakes him and we have to change all bedding. This is not listed on the side effects,but oncology and radiology staff don’t seem overly concerned. Has anyone else experienced this and any suggestions. Thanks

  • Hi, I finished a course of radiotherapy for lung cancer seven month's ago. I had the sweats during the radiotherapy and was told this was normal by the cancer nurse specialist, I had them during the day and at night which woke me up, I still get them now, although very occasionally. I also had all the usual side-effects that are explained, in fact I have now got late onset side-effects, which are sore tender ribs around the area that was zapped, (upper left lung), also my sternum is sore to touch. I had breast cancer 34 year's ago on the right side and had all the same side effects.

    Just take each day as it comes, and, as the song goes, "things can only get better".

    Best wishes to you both Two hearts