Post lobectomy checks

  • 26 replies
  • 76 subscribers

Hello all

Ive had my upper third lung lobectomy 2 months ago and was told I now get checks in 3 months then 6 months then yearly, all being well. I expected this but I'm told it's only chest x ray for the first 2 checks, then a CT at a year. I thought it was protocol to get CT scans as x Rays don't really pick up small changes? Does anyone here know, please?

  • yes i too try to forget ,but it is hard ,all my tests since the lobectomy have been clear ,but i feel as though now this is hanging over me waiting ,i really dont know why we have to wait so long for the results ,as i had the CT scan on the 17th july ,>i will let you know how i get on ,take care

  • Hi Ails

    I had lobectomy in January of this year, CT with contrast in May, chest xray in a couple of days time, then another CT Scan in January next year. I think it just depends on the hospital and their protocol, everywhere seems different. My lung cancer initially was picked up on a chest xray, hope all goes well for you x

  • I am 2 months post surgery upper.lobectomy have a Ct booked.for 12th August 

     Have had 3 chest xrays post surgery, I'd ask your.oncology team

  • I think sometimes after the scan, we are all discussed at their regular team meetings, so everyone's on the same page about us. If you've got a macmillan or link nurse, ring them up if you're needing a chat and they can usually help to calm the wobbles. xx

  • Thanks Camcm. I guess very area has a different protocol? As long as we're all being cared for (and I'm sure we are,) we can put our trust in them. I think some of us just like to feel a bit in control of our out of control situations. I'm such a planner!

  • 6 months on post op I'm feeling really good and I reckon I'm back to about 80% of my pre op fitness level, just have to pace myself a little at times.  Which is a great position to be in x