Post lobectomy checks

  • 26 replies
  • 76 subscribers

Hello all

Ive had my upper third lung lobectomy 2 months ago and was told I now get checks in 3 months then 6 months then yearly, all being well. I expected this but I'm told it's only chest x ray for the first 2 checks, then a CT at a year. I thought it was protocol to get CT scans as x Rays don't really pick up small changes? Does anyone here know, please?

  • Silly me replied to the wrong person a few days ago, reply should have been to Anonymous123 so have deleted my previous reply....

    Thanks 123,

    You're welcome.  It must be so worrying for you with your dad being diagnosed.

    No chemo for me before or after fortunately.

    The only thing I had was what they called pre habilitation which I undertook for about 6 weeks before the op and similar time afterwards to make sure I was in the best shape for the surgery and to recover afterwards.  Exercise sessions twice a week and a chance to chat with people on their journey.  A mix of people pre or post op and a few unable to be treated sadly.

  • I also have just started the pre habilitation this week date for operation is 20th August. I have met my surgeon and had a fitness test at my local gym ,I have a online meeting Monday 

  • Good luck Dito with the operation, work hard at the prehab sessions Grin  I hope the physios who take the classes are as wonderful as mine were, I'm sure they will be. Thumbsup

  • Thank you Pray my aim is to be as fit as possible by 20/8/24 I have been out walking today 17500 steps so far today plus I go on my treadmill 

  • Wow, impressive steps Dito Clap 

    Great attitude to go with it Grin 

    I found with the prehab they did à lot of upper body and strength work, my knees and arms protested but it was all beneficial.  Outside of the twice weekly sessions I focused on my walking getting Dog2good distances in with my dog Dog2

    I felt in good shape come the big day.  Once again good luck with it x

  • Blimey. I got no prehab or post op support at all? I was just discharged. No wonder I'm struggling 2 months on! On the plus side, I'm now on super steroids as I'm having a targeted blast of radiotherapy to my misbehaving brain tumour, so I've got bags of energy, a super clean house and a total don't give a hoot attitude :-). Every cloud ..

    PS it's 2.30 am and I'm contemplating hanging another line of washing out.

  • Grin  Early days Ails for the rehab sessions, I started mine about 3 months after my surgery.

    I was surprised how less fit I was prior to being operated on but a mixture of old age and not using muscle groups catches up with you. Plus being waited on and zero domestic tasks apart from walking Yumthe dog no doubt contributed to my decline Yum

  • Hi Ails ,i had a lobectomy in july two years ago ,i had x.rays for the first year every 3 months,then 6 ,and it is reassuring that they keep a watch over you ,i have seen the x.rays afterwards as my oncoligist has showed me ,and you can see them on x.ray .I have just gone past my two year s since the operation ,and last month i had a CT scan with contrast ,and i am waiting for my surgeon to phone with the results on the 27th (I am getting really nervouse) and hoping everything will be clear and she will discharge me 

  • ah thanks, hiking. Good to know x

  • Hi Christie.Sounds like you've done well so far! It's so nervewracking waiting for results, isn't it? I'm ok in between, I just try to forget. Really hoping for good news for you, please let us know how you get on. God bless x