Post lobectomy checks

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  • 76 subscribers

Hello all

Ive had my upper third lung lobectomy 2 months ago and was told I now get checks in 3 months then 6 months then yearly, all being well. I expected this but I'm told it's only chest x ray for the first 2 checks, then a CT at a year. I thought it was protocol to get CT scans as x Rays don't really pick up small changes? Does anyone here know, please?

  • Hi Ails

    I do appreciate that it can feel daunting and a tad scary to go to a lesser degree of monitoring, we have all probably felt that way post treatment.

    You will have x-rays on file which will be used to compare with your new x-ray to look for any changes.  If any changes are spotted, then you will most likely be sent for a CT scan.

    If I was you, I would be looking at this as a positive i.e they are confident that the lobectomy was successful and the X-rays are the correct level of monitoring.  

    If you have any concerns regarding their approach, then you should discuss it with them at your next check-up.

    Hope this helps a bit.

    Kegsy x

    "If you are going through hell, keep going" ; Sir Winston Churchill
    " Cancer may take my life; however it will not become my life" Kegsy August 2011
  • Hi there,

    After my mum had her lobectomy they did an x-ray at 3months then a CT scan at 6months (which she recently had). Her next CT scan will be in another 6months. Not sure if it’s different protocols for different hospitals. x

  • Hi,

    I had an upper right lung lobectomy end of Jan 24, first check up was an X ray after 3 months then a CT scan a couple of weeks ago - July 24.  Next checkup in Jan 25.  Fortunately all clear.

    I would raise your query with your care provider at the first X ray Ails. 

    I had a concern with a golf ball size lump on my right side which has been there since the op but following the check ups they do not see it as a problem, (although they don't know what it is).  It's not painful so I will see how it is next Jan.

    Good luck with your recovery.

  • Thanks, Kegsy. My surgeon rang me yesterday and wants me to see him this week as I'm still very limited with my breathing, plus am very fatigued and in pain. I feel I'm not very good at being ill! I'll be getting an x ray and CT then so thats reasurring. x

  • Yes, I'm hearing there's actually no set protocol as I thought there was. I'm happy with my surgeon so I'm sure I'll be fine. I hope you mum is getting on well and best to you both as you're both going through this x

  • Thanks so much, Hiking. Glad yours was clear and I'll wager so was your doggo! 

    Hopefully the CT scan you had ruled out anything nasty and will be one less thing for you to worry about. Very best wishes to you x

  • Thanks Ails, the consultant was pleased with the CT results which I received this week..... probably not as much as I was but not too worry:)

    Billy the doggo put a few kilos of weight on while I was rebuilding my fitness but is now back to his correct weight,  wish I could say the same.

    Very best wishes to you Ails, good luck with your journey x

  • Hi . I’m glad your check up was all clear , that is fantastic news . My dad is going through his chemo at the moment and will also be having an upper right lung lobectomy . 
    Would you be happy with me asking how you found the operation and recovery ? 

  • Hi 123,

    No worries, although everyone's journey with cancer is very individual and different and I wouldn't want you or your dad to think my journey will be the same as your father's. Blush

    The operation at the Royal Brompton in London was straight forward and the staff first class.

    I went in on Sunday evening as there were various tests they needed to undertake on the Monday, mainly blood work, heart ECG blood pressure, weight nothing unusual and straightforward 

    The surgeon went through what he would be doing and I signed a declaration I was aware of the risks I was undertaking in having the op.

    He then drew on my chest a big arrow with a black marker pointing at my right lobe to make sure they did the correct one.

    I was scheduled to be operated on first thing Tuesday morning which meant my last meal was dinner Monday night, up for a shower at 5 am, ready to go.

    The next part I found slot was moved until later, probably due to emergency surgery that had to be done on some poor soul, so the wait began, bearing in mind I hadn't eaten since the previous evening.  I was hungry and a bit grumpy but I eventually went down for surgery at 3 pm.

    The anaesthetic team were brilliant and the next thing I knew I woke up at around 6pm in the recovery room high dependency unit, lots of one to care.  Lots of wires connected to me and a chest pain.

    I slept through to the next morning where I was moved to the ward, my chest drain removed and encouraged to get out of bed, which I did.  No pain, had full shoulder movement and demolished two breakfasts .

    The surgeon visited late morning and advised the surgery had gone very well and was pleased with my recovery - he asked me if I wanted to go home that evening!!  I think he was joking but unsure.

    Still no pain, physio assessed me and was impressed at my mobility.  They were very keen I walk about so I went off ward and had a look around the hospital, returned to the ward and was severely told off foDisappointed wandering about.

    One of my sons picked me up on the Thursday afternoon and I slept all the way home... still no pain or adverse effects.

    The above should be taken in the context that I had no underlying illness and I would consider myself to be fitter than most for my age.

    Recovery I will do in another post x


  • Thank you for your reply and sharing  so much detail it is good to hear people’s experiences . It’s such a daunting time . 
    my dad has 2 more chemo sessions left they are 3 weeks apart . Next one is hopefully on Wednesday if his bloods from today are all ok . Did you have. Chemo before your op ? If so how long after your treatment finished did you have surgery . ? 
    im so pleased the operation went well for you and you recovered so well .