Chemo then surgery

  • 4 replies
  • 73 subscribers

Hi everyone 

my dad is starting chemo and immunotherapy tomorrow he will be having 3 rounds of chemo once every 3 weeks . Then 6 weeks later they will scan him , then they will book for surgery . 
has anyone had a similar treatment plan ? How did they find the treatment and the surgery . My dad is stage 2 . 
Also how long after finishing treatment and scanning did you have surgery ? 



  • Hi  I haven’t had chemo or immunotherapy so cannot answer your question, just wanted to say I hope it all went well for Dads first treatment. 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Hi there,

    My mum had the exact same treatment plan as your dad has been given. Her surgery was the end of last year. She’s recently had her 6month follow up. 

    I guess side effects from treatment vary from person to person. In my mum’s case she was very fatigued and suffered from severe diarrhoea whilst having chemo/immunotherapy. Since her surgery she does become more out of breath easily. My mum’s surgery was open surgery so that took longer to recover from than surgery via VATs would. Hope that helps somewhat. 

    Wishing your dad all the best x

  • Hi Reb A 

    thanks so much for responding . I’m pleased your mum is doing well . 
    can I ask how long after she finished her chemo did she have her surgery ? 

    my dad is in having chemo right now , hoping he tolerates it ok xxx

  • I can’t remember exactly. I’d say between 4-6weeks. I think they need to let the chemo/imm “do it stuff” first. 
    My mum wasn’t too bad after her first round of chemo/imm, her side effects were worse after the 2nd and 3rd rounds. X