Hand & joint pain

  • 1 reply
  • 71 subscribers

Hi, I have stage 4 lung cancer and am on palitive care. Has anyone had the side effects of hand & joint pain. Mine started about a month ago. My last immunotherapy treatment was in October.  My hands feel like they are on fire, there is no swelling but they are so painful  making it hard to hold things. Its also effecting my other joints. I'm awaiting blood results and also waiting for an xray. Does anyone have any other suggestions to help with the pain? Ive tried,  hot,/cold compresses, voltarol, anti inflammatory. I'm also experiencing shooting pains in my stomach area.


  • Hi  

    The pain you're experiencing sounds extremely unpleasant. My husband had the same feeling of painful joints and feeling like his hands were on fire and he was diagnosed with polymyalgia rheumatica. He is on steroids for that and his hands have returned to normal. I should add that he wasn't being treated for cancer.

    I hope you can get on top of this pain soon.

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