Squamous cell carcinoma diagnosis

  • 1 reply
  • 70 subscribers

Hi, my dad has just been diagnosed with lung cancer - squamous cell carcinoma stage 2b - no spread to lymph nodes or anywhere else, he has also had secondary paraneoplastic syndrome leading to delirium, surgery has been recommended, has anyone experienced this, how long will it take for surgery, how was the recovery? Any other advice?? 

  • Hi  welcome to the forum but sorry you find yourself here. I have a different cancer and treatment to your dad, so cannot help with your question, but I’m sure someone who has had surgery will be along to share their experience as well. 

    Caring for a loved one with cancer is extremely stressful but talking to other people who are in a similar situation is very helpful. You have taken the first step by joining us here in the lung group, but you can also join the Family and friends forum and also the Carers only forum  where you can connect with other people who are in a similar situation to yourself. 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

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