New sclc diagnosis

  • 2 replies
  • 72 subscribers

Hi. My mum has just been diagnosed with SCLC and has an appointment to start chemotherapy straight away. I feel lost, sad, angry, confused and broken. The appointment with the diagnostic team was a blur. They never mentioned the stage but I am assuming stage 4. It’s in both her lungs, chest, spine, ribs and kidney. They said it can’t be cured but chemotherapy will ‘slow things down’ I don’t really know the point to my message I just need to reach out and really get some advise on what to expect. Unsure how long treatment is yet or even how long we have with mum. Thanks for reading. 

  • Hello,

    My mum was diagnosed with Small Cell Lung Cancer in February this year. It’s hard to know what to expect with this. They told her it’s classed as stage 4 simply by the fact that it’s not a curable condition. We were told the same, the treatment would slow things down and should hopefully give us longer. I’m terrified and living with so much guilt as I only moved out and away just over a year ago and became long distance with my mum. She has now moved in with her dad making her a 5 hour drive away from me. The only thing I can suggest for you which may be difficult but just be there as much as you can. Take every step as it comes but look after yourself too. You are doing the right thing reaching out on here even if it is just to have a good old rant.

    From personal experience my mum was only issued 4 rounds of chemo and immunotherapy for up to 2 years, once a month with constant reviews. The hair will go quick but you have to find light in the situation. For me I feel like I have no control and it’s awful so where I can get control, I do. So I went shopping and bought my mum funky hats and scarves for her. Comfy clothes, fluffy socks. Just do what you can and it will make that difference.

    You are not alone in this and every emotion you feel is very much valid. I hope this helps a little bit…

  • Hey, my mum as stage 4 lung cancer that’s spread to her liver lymph nodes, we was dignosed 5 weeks ago what a ride of emotions it’s been. I hope your doing ok it’s hard it’s so hard xxxx

    my mum was offered 4 rounds of chemotherapy but declined it as she wanted quality from the time she as left and didn’t want to be poorly, we was told 6 months give or take!!