Surgery and the unknown

  • 3 replies
  • 68 subscribers

I have a 2.2cm nodule lower right lung the consultant originally thought blood clot or benign. 

Today I had my pet scan results it showed moderate uptake but no spread anywhere else. The belief now is either carcinoid or another lung cancer of some sort.

I was given a choice of biopsy or straight to surgery. Straight to surgery it is.... so now passed to thorasic surgeons. I just want it gone now and then definite answers. I have now lived with constant chest pain since December.

Not much point to this other than to write where I am in life. Any tips for surgery or anything really would be lovely.

Thanks all

  • Hi  I think I would have wanted the same, straight to surgery and get rid of it!  Hope all goes well for you, let us know how you get on. 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Hi Kk123,

    Good call - better out than in. Tips?

    Take all the painkillers on the clock, don't wait until it hurts. You'll need to breathe properly to get the lung healing right and you'll need pain relief for that. You shouldn't feel any discomfort at all so complain if you do.

    Take the laxatives you should be given, even if you never needed them before.  The pain killers will lock your guts up so going to the toilet will be difficult. Your insides will not be fully healed for some days so no straining!

    Walk. Who knew that a gentle ramble around the ward would feel like heavy duty exercise? It will - but only for a few days. Walking is good, build up to tackling stairs when you're ready. Don't expect to get back to normal without some effort.

    Clean tee-shirts. Your operation wound will gently leak for a while, you'll need to protect clothes and bedding to keep the laundry under control.

    Internet shopping. You will not want to lug a heavy bag of groceries home or push a trolley round the supermarket. Get it delivered.

    Play the cancer card - you deserve the only perk you'll get out of all this Laughing

    kind regards,

  • Steve you are a legend truly made me giggle! 

    Great tips will buy a load of cheap tops! And pop all the drugs i can!

    I'm a single mum to 3 kids and extremely independent so having to suddenly rely on others is my idea of hell but I know that's how life is going to have to be.

    I have amazing friends and family abd a partner of a year who bless him probably wonders why he ever swiped right at the mo! Joking he's bloody amazing been my rock and is temporarily moving in after surgery.

    The last 4 months have made me realise how precious life is.
