Lung Cancer metastasis to the Adrenal Glands

  • 9 replies
  • 69 subscribers

Hi All,

I am absolutely devastated, my husband has just been through a radical treatment of 3 very strong chemo sessions as well as 30 days of continuous targeted radiotherapy.  We thought we had come to the end of the harsh treatment and were about to start a course of immunotherapy for one year when they discovered that it has gone to his adrenal glands and now we are back to treatment again.  My husband is nearly 80 years old, I am not sure how much more of this he can take but we are told that they have a targeted drug for this so it will be a question of taking tablets instead of chemo..........however, we were also told that this treatment only works on 30% of people so again we are in the unknown.

If there is a silver lining it is that the lung tumour has almost gone but now we are faced with this.  Has anyone else had targeted drug treatment for adrenal cancer as a result of their lung cancer?  I would love to hear from you.

Thank you 


  • Hi  I am so sorry to hear that your husband is going through this. I can understand how devastating this is for you both. 

    My cancer journey is different to your husbands, so I cannot answer your question about the adrenal glands, but I always think that where there is treatment, there is always hope. You have to put your faith into the oncologist, and I know how scary that is, but never give up the hope. 

    Sending you a virtual hug. 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Hi Chelle,

    Thank you for your encouraging words.  I will not give up hope it is just so hard to watch someone you love suffer so much.

    Sending you back a virtual hug and thanks.


  • Hi Iriq. I am on targeted treatment for lung cancer. I am 30 cycles in and my cancer is stable. There are some areas of progression showing now as I have developed lung cancer in my right lung but I am being monitored carefully the lesion is only very small. So if you have been offered targeted treatment the chances are it will shrink and possibly stabilise. Each person is different as I know people who have been on targeted therapy for many years and some with only a few months of it working, but take hope and the treatment .

  • Hi TinaB24,

    Thank you for your message and encouragement.   I realise that targeted treatment is a wonder drug if he works and I pray it will however now he has been on it for 5 days his fevers are getting more frequent and he seems to be living on soluble paracetamol.  May I ask if you have had fevers too?  We are told the low grade temperature is from the cancer so hoping this will diminish too with the tumour. Good luck with your treatment I am so glad yours is now stable.  I wish you a very speedy recovery and thank you again for taking the time to respond to my message.

  • I had stage 2 lung cancer  it spread to the pancreas and adrenaline glands went on a clinical trial. Involving immunotherapy and trial drugs and it cleared the lot apart from a small part in the lung..could you not ask to go on a trial for your husband xxx

  • Hi Jess22, thank you for taking the trouble to let me know about the incredible success you have had with your treatment.  I am really pleased for you.  Unfortunately my husband has had a set back he has been admitted to ICU as he has a bad chest infection and a swelling around the small tumour they found in his brain.  Had he not had this set back they were hoping that the targeted drug they were giving him would get rid of most of the cancer in his body and a few sessions of cyber knife radiotherapy would get rid of the tumour in the brain............but this is now on hold until they get him out of the woods.  It was touch and go last night but he is a fighter and today things are moving in the right direction and I hope he will be well again and be able to resume his treatment.  Thank you

  • 5 days is not a long time the fever could be a good sign in that it is working with the bodies immune system. Here's praying for good results with your first scan 

  • Sorry to hear about the challenges your husband is going through  praying Pray 

  • Thank you so much....x