Surgery or Radiotherapy

  • 13 replies
  • 69 subscribers

Help! I'm stuck between surgery or radiotherapy to remove lung cancer rl middle lobe! I'm very high risk due to other medical problems and when I met the surgeon this week he was brutal. Scared the crap out of me. SO, now I've got to what to see the oncologist on 27th March! Has anyone had a similar experience? TIA XXXXX

  • Hi  I know how scary all of this is for you. There are a few people in the group who have been posting lately about their experience with surgery, so hopefully someone will be along soon to chat with you about that.

    I have always believed that surgery is the best option for a cure, but it it is a personal choice. I have had radiotherapy, and I got a very good result from it, but surgery wasn’t an option for me. 

    Good luck on the 27th. Hopefully he/she will be able to put your mind at rest. I’ve always found my oncologist to be very thorough, but very reassuring. 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Hi Bex66

    So very sorry that you have cause to be on here.

    I haven't personally had this choice; however a few years ago I had the privilege of accompanying an elderly neighbour through this situation.  At the consultation the surgeon was brutally honest,especially given my neighbours other health issues.  I had the impression that he would have done the surgery if she had chosen that option.  When she opted for the radiotherapy, you could see the surgeon was relieved (as was I!).

    She had 20 sessions of radiotherapy over 4 weeks (Mon - Fri) and she got through it like a trooper.

    Radiotherapy is a very effective treatment in its own right, and is an ideal treatment for those with other existing health issues.  An operation is just one of the many treatment options for lung cancer;  I have been cancer free for over 12 years now and I never went near an operating table.

    Of course the choice is yours and I wish you the best possible outcomes.

    Kegsy x

    "If you are going through hell, keep going" ; Sir Winston Churchill
    " Cancer may take my life; however it will not become my life" Kegsy August 2011
  • Thanks for your reply.  It does make a huge difference to know how others have dealt with it. I'm thinking that I'll go down the radiotherapy route, then, if it still meds sorting then surgery. I really don't want surgery. Very scary. Thanks again

  • Thanks. I'm really swayed towards radiotherapy as the surgeon did really scare me. I've had other big surgeries previously but now I'm older it's different. I'll check out the other chats for some ideas. Thanks again. Xxxx

  • If you don't mind me asking, how did your appointment go? We have a similar decision re surgery vs radiotherapy. X

  • Hi. I'm now in the middle of the radiotherapy treatment. I decided this route because I'm high risk, the doctor kept saying that, and he scared me to be honest, so I didn't want to go through such a massive surgery when the radiotherapy was just as good! My lung consultant said that either option would be good and would cure the cancer! So tbh I took the option of least invasive! So far so good. Xxxx

  • Thanks for the update, so much appreciated. My husband was told he was high risk for surgery so we have an appointment with oncology next week to discuss radiotherapy. Do you know what type and size you had? X

  • Yes it's on the right lung, middle lobe, at the top and possibly touching the top lobe. Its right on the edge close to the esophagus. It's non small cell and the size is quite small. Not sure of size exactly but I'm having 5 sessions of radiotherapy. I'm told that 5 sessions is normal. Its called SABR and it's very safe! Just finished round 3 and starting to feel some pain, discomfort, wheezing and coughing. Otherwise it's okay. Very very tired! The oncologist will hopefully help you to decide but I'm so glad I chose this route.

    I have underlining medical issues. I'm very overweight and the surgery is major so I took the easiest option. Have they said what the surgery will consist of? 

    What type of cancer does he have? Where and what size? Tell him good luck and you stay strong xxxx

  • Thanks so much lovely, it really helps to speak to someone a little ahead of us so I appreciate your time.

    We only had results of pet scan last week from the specialist nurse who said in the MDT meeting they said due to COPD a biopsy would be high risk of lung collapse so wasn't sure if a surgeon would operate without a biopsy so we were given the choice to see surgeon to discuss but no guarantees they'll do it and quite a lengthy process in terms of tests and waiting or see an oncologist re sbrt who is willing to treat without a biopsy and could be started in a few weeks.

    We're not committed to anything but nurse seemed relieved when we said we'd explore radiotherapy first although I didn't think his COPD was too bad. 

    They think from presentation it's nsc and 17mm.

    I guess we'll find out more next week.

    I hope your treatment continues to go well, take it easy and rest x

  • That's the name SBRT. I keep saying SABR lol. I had all the tests done for surgery, apart from one the surgeon wanted called a cardiac perfusion scan. I am high risk and couldn't bare the thought of the operation. When I asked my doctor what she would choose she said that they were both good so from that it was easy for me.

    I was told that I may feel pain, get a bit wheezy and cough a bit more so that's manageable. Hope it all goes well. Let me know please! Stay strong xxxx