Secondary liver cancer

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  • 11 subscribers

Hello, my husband Michael, was diagnosed with secondary liver cancer, on Thursday 28th November. 5 years ago he was diagnosed with primary bowel cancer. Due to covid, he was denied chemotherapy. 

He wasn't feeling too well in himself for a short while, so I contacted his consultant. She offered to see him and in April this year he had bloods done, a CT scan and Endoscopy. We received his Endoscopy results and was given the all clear from that. He also had his blood results,  these had shown up with elevated tumour markers  

We waited what seemed to be forever for his CT scan results. Michael's sister ( who's a nurse) contacted PALS and they were very efficient. Initially she was told that they couldn't find his results. Then later that day, the called saying they had them and again given the all clear...what a relief. 

Early November,  Michael was told he needed urgent bloods done. Two days later he was told he needed an urgent scan.  Then about a week later he was sent for by his consultant saying she wanted to see him in two weeks. A week later an appointment came through the door for Michael to have a MRI scan. By this point alarm bells were definitely ringing.

On the 28/11/24 we were given the dreadful news that Michael's cancer had come back and it was in his liver. One tumour is operable,  but the other unfortunately isn't operable.  Our world came crashing down there and then! Michael was told that the one tumour is just beneath his liver and next to the blood vessels ( a lymph node lump) and he'll need chemo to try and shrink it. If successful then they'll operate and remove the tumour from within  his liver. 

The most devastating part of this is, the scan he had back in April had shown that the tumours were infact there and missed by the radiologist. Rage so Michael has missed out on vital chemo. 

Were expecting his MRI results within 3 weeks of the scan, then we'll know more as to what treatment Michael will be given. 

We're praying he can beat this! Sob

  • Hi SharkyB welcome to the forum..That's not good about what's happened with radiology reports not picking up this and you knowing that. I am so sorry about where thus has left you and I wonder if you felt able to complain to the Health Area under which the scanning unit sits. This may not make any change for you but it could help others who may experience this in the future. It may also help for you to have some answers. I send my very best wishes to you both for a good outcome. X


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  • Granny59, thank you for your reply. I have logged a complaint and I've had a call back from the complaints department.  I should hear something back by beginning of February.

    We're both still trying to process everything, but finding it emotionally draining. 

    Take care x

  • Hi Sharkyb.

    Similar situation with my parter. She had her bowel cancer removed and was told that something showing up on the liver scan was just infection. Fast forward 3 months and she was told it was stage 4 liver cancer. Devastating to her and the whole family. However, they hammered her with chemo and it worked brilliantly, to such an extent that they were able to operate in November last year. They are now saying she is in remission and will be monitored every few months for the next couple of years. I still get angry thinking about it (although I try not to) but am incredibly grateful for the outcome she's had after being told, initially, that there was no hope. I hope you are both doing as well as you can.

  • That's absolutely news. I'm so pleased your partner is doing well.

    Did she have it in her lymph node as well? Michael has a tumour in his abdomen in his lymph node. He had his 1st chemo Christmas eve and his 2nd lot today (09/01/25.)

    This gives me some hope for my husband!

  • I hope Michael is doing ok on his chemo. My other half was extremely fatigued after 8 rounds of capox but she coped remarkably well. Hope it's the same for your husband. 

    Yes, they surgically removed something like a dozen lymph nodes too from the abdominal area  When they did her liver resection they took out the ovaries and fallopian tubes too as a precaution. I know that's largely irrelevant for your husband but it does show the lengths that they can go to. We've got the first 3 month scan results next week. Another scary moment but we didn't think we'd get to this point so trying to see it as reassuring rather than terrifying!

  • That's absolutely fantastic, I'm so pleased for your partner.  

    They've said my husband's can't be operated on,I think it's because it's in his aortic artery. 

    I hope that he proves them wrong and gets through this! 

  • I think trying to maintain that positive attitude despite some really hard, dark times is really important. It was for me when we told to prepare for the worst. Took me ages to even begin to get my head around it (and still not sure I have!). Very best to you and your husband.

  • Thank you so much.

    Wishing you all the best and I hope your partner continues to make good progress Blush 

  • Hi, Sorry to hear that. I had BOWEL cancer and had my large bowel removed June 2024 due to a very aggressive tumour. Left me with a STOMA. December 2024 was diagnosed with LIVER cancer!!!!!!!!!!!! . Have seen 2 Consultants this year and am going for an ABLATION on 26th February. It's quite a straight forward procedure, done under a general. Not sure if you know about this one, it's only possible if the tumour is small, mine is 2cm, they said if the ABLATION  was not possible, next option would be KEY HOLE and as a last resort, open surgery..........

    Take care
