Father stage 4 - no treatment

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  • 16 subscribers

Hi everyone,  recently joined as father diagnosed in March with stage 4 liver cancer, leukemia and spinal mets. Also had heart attack a week after that diagnosis. Therefore discharged home with no further treatment at all as heart not strong enough for any form of treatment.  On morphine and anti sickness meds.  He has no further input from hospital,  only district nurses visit him every week for blood tests etc. No one gave him a prognosis as such. He has lost 4 stones in weight since diagnosis end of March 2024 due to severe nausea. Had a couple of falls too. He really wishes to know, for his own sake and logistics,  how long he may have left. We are quite a practical,  matter of fact family so wanted to know the honest truth, but nothing was ever said to him. Has anyone faced a similar situation?? Thank you in advance and sending love to all dealing with cancer in anyway. G

  • My heart goes out to u it really does , I've terminal bile duct cancer and know the score, it must be so frustrating, thing is I do feel your more forgotten about by the NHS if it's terminal that's my opinion