Losing my mind waiting for reaults

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Hi. Ive had an ultrasound and they found a hamengeoma and a 4cm suspected hepatoma, also kidney stones and a fatty pancreas .I'm 42 so this all seems a bit insane I didn't think people my age got liver cancer !

I have two children age 12 and 8. And every time I look at them I feel an overwhelming sense of panic that I won't be around to watch them grow. I've seen that liver cancer has a poor prognosis and I'm freaking out. I have an MRI on Thursday to look at the mass in more detail to see exactly what we're dealing with. Any advice on how to cope while I wait for the MRI and results would be most welcome. As I'm currently holding everything in while my children are awake and then breaking down and sobbing for hours once they are in bed. I constantly feel like I'm moments away from a massive panic attack.

  • The wait for results can feel agonizing, leaving one feeling like they're losing their mind. nursing homes Studio City Uncertainty breeds anxiety, making each passing moment feel like an eternity. Coping strategies such as deep breathing, mindfulness techniques, and distraction can help manage overwhelming emotions. Remember, it's normal to feel anxious, but focusing on self-care and seeking support can provide comfort during this challenging time.

  • Thank you so much for your reply. I had an MRI yesterday and I stupidly thought I'd get the results right away. But been told it's another two weeks to get the MRI results back. 

    I've been trying to do what you suggested and practicing self care. I'm feeling a bit better. It also clicked in my head that no amount of anxiety or worry or tears will change the outcome of my scan results. 

    So I may as well just get on with my day to day life until I have more information. I also think I probably have no more tears left in me.