Newly Diagnosed

  • 3 replies
  • 6 subscribers

In the past week I have been diagnosed with liver cancer which in some ways I’m not really surprised. 
I have a mass that covers about 2/3 of my liver surgery is not an option, and have other health issues, and have home oxygen. 

I’m not really sure how I should be feeling, it’s almost like it’s happening to someone else I don’t feel angry anxious or sad. 
I am a glass half full sort of person, I will be upset if I loose my sense of humour. As I said to a friend, my heart and lungs aren’t working so my liver decided to join the party! 
moving on I have decided not to have any treatment I’d rather have quality than quantity. Chemo was discussed but would only extend my life by months so decided against that option. 
It will be interesting to see how the next couple of months go, tho I live on my own I have a very supportive family, and good friends. 

  • FormerMember

    Hi, very sorry to hear your news. I have recently been diagnosed with bowel cancer which has spread to my liver I’m only 34. A big shock for me as only gone down hill in the last 5 weeks, I know how you feel with how your feeling sometimes I feel I’m walking around like an empty shell some days. 

    im glad you have support to get you through, it’s very hard to know what to say to others but just know your not alone. I’m sure you won’t loose your sense of humour I wish you good luck with everything and take care and be sure to keep that sense of humour going Slight smile

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Oh Amanda that’s really sad to hear in someone so young. At least I’ve had a decent life and done things others can only dream about. I’ve been to all the places I’ve wanted to go too both here and overseas. 
    Everyone says stay positive when sometimes all you want to do is curl up in a ball and forget the world which is fine. 
    Take care

  • I too numbed my emotions and carried on on a day to day basis. So long as there is no pain I am okay. A golden opportunity to retire and teach myself a new language in the peace and quiet. A lot of unpleasant treatment later, I still live after seven years! No sign of a return of the cancer yet. Good luck and best wishes from the other side of successful treatment. May yours work as well as mine did.
