Hcc liver cancer

  • 9 replies
  • 6 subscribers

Hi everyone, I'm back and have had my 1st scan with contrast. They couldn't get a line in 4 mths ago so I've been a bit stressed. No results yet but I'm prescribed oramorph for rib and back pain. I'm told people survive years with this. Hopefully I'm one. 

I woke with a torn retina 2 weeks ago while caring for my 11 yr old autistic grandson. I had to get a taxi to Glasgow for an emergency operation. My vision is terrible in that eye and the other's strained. 

I'm back alone on shielding and my vision is terrible. No offers of help from hospital. Twitter has become my support which isn't ideal. 

Stay safe and Sane everyone Rose

  • FormerMember

    Hello "OldBob", my name is Paul, i haven't got a "handle" yet. I'm not totally gend up on these web site stuff, and just about cope with the basics.

    I'm 71, live on my own and was diagnosed with terminal Liver cancer on the 20th May 2019 , a lovely birthday present as i was 70 on the 21st. The doctors gave me a prognosis of 6 months. I have come to terms with my lot and my aim is to enjoy what is left of my life with, my friends, my children and my wonderful grandchildren. This Covid 19 has thrown a bit of a spanner in the works but ho hum.

    Like you i suffer with terrible back pain which is another burden we have to carry. I'm lucky with my sight so can do jigsaws and i also have these colouring books with hundreds of segments to colour in. I like listening to the radio so listen to Radio Four Extra as they broadcast a lot of the old comedy programs like, The Navy Lark, Around the Horn and the Goon show.

    Chin up my man, it was a big help to me to join the MacMillan day center on a Tuesday (which is mostly men). Of course it is closed at the moment but it will open as soon as it can, i can't wait to see all the chaps and the lovely staff and volunteers, they all make it a great day.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hello Paul .. Thank you for the reply,  its came on a rough day. they've found gallstones which is contributing to the pain. Today's a struggle. I should say they've managed a scan with contrast after waiting 4 mth, I wasn't surprised to hear im isolated again waiting for another chemo. 

    Unfortunately the hospital's aren't communicating and sent me to Glasgow again for my eye, it needs another operation but on hold til after chemo.

    I went on the train and the cancer team weren't happy so its extended my isolation. 

    I'm happy to hear you've family around you. I've one daughter left with 2 autistic lads so she's unable to travel. We chat for hours on the phone which has its limitations. Be nice to hug em all but .... 

    Unfortunately I've become lazy and don't do a lot but listen to music. I don't know if their's a drop in here Paul, I haven't bothered looking to be honest. I'm not really up to chatting to people. 

    I say hello to some neighbour's and that does me. 

    I do like f1 and their's a race today so I'll concentrate on that . My silver lining  . lol 

    Hope you have a lovely Sunday with the family and thank you again for the reply 

    Bless you Pray

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    OldBob, enjoy your F1 try not to get too excited.

    By the sounds of it you and I seem to be suffering from the same ailments.

    Chat soon.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Paul  .. How are you today ? 

    This weather is terrible. 

    I've had word and as expected I need another tase on the 9 sept.  I'm wondering how I'm going to shop, council said they'd sent a volunteer shopper,  that was last week so I'm having to shop. People without masks everywhere so I get home sharpish. 

              Hope I found you on a good day 

                Take care  Ron x 

  • FormerMember

    Hi there,

    My name is Julie and my 75 year old Dad was diagnosed with primary liver cancer in July 2019. He's had 3 TACE procedures now, oddly his 4th is on 9th Sept same as you. I can appreciate how difficult it must be for you to be going through this with little support, have you tried calling Macmillan to see if they can put you in touch with local groups/councils that may be able to assist you? Or perhaps your GP may know of some support services? Happy to chat further if it would help. All the best.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hello Jules  .. Thanks for replying. 

    Are you related to Paul.  Sorry these threads can become confusing  lol 

    Its fine if your not,  just wondering. 

    I recieved a call from a lovely sounding woman to organise a shop. Its £20 max but better than nothing.  I do admit I like my short walk to Aldi's Aldi's nearly,  I mask and everything,  mainly just to see and have the odd muffled conversation.  lol .. I said to call me on the 8th, get a few essentials to come home to.

    I've lived alone for 7 years so this is like normal eith a mask to me.

    My wife and 2 children died some years back and the one wonderful daughter left has 2 autistic boys so I can't stress her.

    I've called a cancer helpline to vent mainly and they've arranged a call each week as catch up. I have the odd reply on here too so its not too bad. 

    I hope your dad's tase goes well and kills the damn thing  and he has many more years with you x 

    Regards and sincere thanks  .. Ron 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Ron,

    No not related to Paul, I'm just another member of the liver cancer forum, I read your initial post so thought I would drop you a message in case it helped in anyway. I'm glad you have managed to sort some help as well as being able to still do things you want to. Thank you for your kind wishes, we're hanging on in there and trying to keep positive as much as we can but I have always said to my Dad its also OK for him to be fed up as well at times. Wish you all the best with your TACE too, perhaps we can catch up on here post treatment and if you want to, let me know how things went for you. Either way best of luck - Jules Blush

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Jules  .. Hope your dads tace went well and he's comfortable. 

    I got home on the Friday and by Monday I was rushed to hospital with sepsis. I'm back home in isolation now. I feel exhausted a lot but that shopper never came,even after speaking with her personally on the phone. 

    I've given up calling people. I'm sorry if I'm sounding negative, i had a row on the phone with my daughter last week and heard nothing from her since. The Joy's of parenthood eh ! 

    I'll close now before I get  maudling. 

    Sending healing vibes to your dad. x 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    No need to apologise, its understandable. I hope you can get things sorted and you can continue to recover from the procedure and the sepsis.

    Bit tricky my end, Dad saw liver docs yesterday and unfortunately the last TACE had no effect. There's also been a further spread to his lung so we're looking at tablet treatment now.

    Sending you best wishes for your continued recovery.

    Jules Blush