Hello, new to this group. Reaching out, just trying to grasp any bits of information to support my Son. Awaiting confirmation, after scans etc, but suspect kidney cancer, although no biopsy as yet. We are just trying to process this train crash information. He’s far too young, tumour is big, over 4” but at time of scans 4 weeks ago, no evidence of any secondary spread. Trying to stay positive, enquiring about all options. Consultant said kidney will need to be removed, plus surrounding tissue. From a parent point of view, we are trying to gather as much information to expedite this process. Awaiting a date for Op, but the wait seems like for ever. I just want to keep ringing up and making a polite nuisance of myself. We are told it can be a few months, but can’t help but think time is of the essence. Trying to make sense of the system, the expected waiting time. NHS appears overwhelmed. Feel like we need to raise funds to go private but even this is not as quick as one would expect. Any advice, guidance or anyone in a similar condition with a similar journey?
A worried Dad.
Hiya. Sorry to hear ur son and family are on this journey.i am not a medical person so I can only go off my own experiences. I know how shocked and anxious (my son lost most of his eyesight,) so I understand ur pain. I have kidney cancer and had a full nephrectomy. U can read my profile for more. You are doing the right thing in ringing ur team. Did they allocate a nurse u can ring.. if so she may be able to reassure you about how things are going. Use this time to do your research (English sites only from a good source, do not Google. A lot of unsourced info is either out of date or wrong for this country.
The waiting is horrendous mentally. All of us on this site find it the worst. If it is any comfort kidney cancer, I was told by my consultant, are slow growing.
For myself, I had the op and then offered immunotherapy or/and target therapy...u can look these up on macmillan and cancer uk sites. These may be offered to your son, so research them.
I hope that some of this has helped...
I know you are frightened but maybe another way is to remove the (cancer) word. I named my lesions Rufus for the kidney and Lydia for the one in my lymph. I know it sounds daft but I said good morning to them every day, because they were part of me. I didn't want to think of them as some alien. Keeping it light and fun really helped me...I even got friends and family on board.
You aren't alone. This forum is a safe place with friendly people. You can ring macmillan nurses. I did when I wanted to cry, just talk..they are wonderful
Hugs and all the very best for you son......
Thanks for your reply. It means a lot to hear your kind comments, to hear your journey and to research the valuable information you have provided. Thanks.
Yes, We have been allocated a specialist nurse. Tomorrow will be 1wk since our consultation, so the next round of persistent, yet polite phone calls will begin again. At the minute, I read everything, but filter the Google and other such rubbish.
kinda like that you named your lesions, I guess to provide some humour, despite such a sobering subject is a great way to provide some light. At the minute, it’s all very raw for me, the most fun name I can give my Son’s tumour is… wan&&r!! …at the minute.
I spent a few hrs reading and researching into the early hrs last night. You’re right, this does feel a friendly place. I’ve spoken to a couple of MacMillan nurses. All helpful..
Wishing you well.
It is still early days, but trust me things in your mind will settle. It is all a huge shock and a lot to take in.
I understand your pain and anger, however. Try and make each day a good day because when the op and treatment starts your son may be more tired while he recovers.
Just one step at a time, one day at a time.
Always here...just reach out hugest hugs to you all..
Sorry to hear about you Sons suspected diagnosis, iam afraid I can't give much advice or suggestions but sounds like my husband is on a very similar journey.
By chance a tumor was found on his kidney and since has had CT scans and an MRI scan on his spine which was wasn't told why. We are now awaiting to hear results from both scans and although trying to remain positive are pretty terrified.
If they have told him he needs surgery and hasn't spread then as awful as it is that sounds reassuring. The whole waiting game is an emotional rollercoaster and we haven't been told anything in over 8 weeks!
I rang up lots and got scans brought forward but haven't had any luck bringing consultation forward. We to was looking at going private, but think that can take time to. I hope your son gets a date for surgery soon, there is no harm in ringing to seen if there are any calculations or any information.
My husband is only 42 and we thought relatively fit and healthy so yes news has felt abit like a train crash to us to.
I know how these things can effect the whole family but iam sure having your support is a massive comfort for your son, wishing him all the best on his journey.
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