Awaiting diagnosis / all clear

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  • 72 subscribers


In September My GP found hidden blood in my urine as part of routine tests, I was originally referred to a women’s hospital for gynae tests but when they came back clear I was referred to the urology dept of another hospital. This was on the two week pathway for possible urological cancer and it was 22nd October. I had a cystocopy which was clear snd three weeks ago I had a contrast CT scan on pelvis and kidneys. Eight days later the junior doctor who’d done the cystoscopy phoned me to say the scan showed a small suspicious area on my right kidney. She said the suspicion was it’s cancer, my MDT meeting would be 6th December and I would hear whether I have cancer within two weeks of that meeting. I’ve heard nothing since but finally got a text message yesterday with an urology appointment on 30th January. I’ve called and begged for clarity but the nurse specialist said they won’t tell  me diagnosis over the phone. She did say the “anomaly” is small and they don’t expect it to cause any problems before my appointment! 
im usually a positive, relaxed person but im going out of my mind with worry. Can’t work, keep getting really anxious about the diagnosis and treatment. Not knowing is horrible, 

  • I’m really sorry this is happening and the anxiety waiting for results is terrible. Everybody’s diagnosis is different. I had a small mass on my right kidney. An incidental finding after a CT colonoscopy. I was eventually offered for them to do nothing, to do a biopsy or to have surgery. I had elective robotic laparoscopic surgery in June. My kidney ‘mass’ turned out to be a rare leiomyoma. A benign tumour so not cancer at all. I hope that your diagnosis works out for you.

  • The not knowing stage really is awful.  It sounds like you have had a longer time to be getting anxious as it took some weeks ruling out other things that it could have been.  Thank goodness the hidden blood was picked up by your GP and that the mass on your kidney has been identified.  From what I've read on the Internet, if the area is small that can result in a very positive outcome.  So perhaps, like the other poster, you may have some options.  No option for me, it needs to come out ASAP but the waiting has been horrendous and stressful.  Like you, I'm usually quite relaxed and positive but these are really challenging times.  

  • Thanks Tinkerbelle and EJ

    Sounds like a great outcome for E although v stressful. I hope your surgery goes well Tinkerbelle x