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My story is that a mass of 3.5 cm has been found on my right kidney. My consultant advises a partial nephrectomy but before that is confirmed I have had an MRI scan (today)of my liver because "something" was seen on the CT scan. I don't feel that I have been fully informed on this and wondered if anyone else has experienced a similar scenario?

Many thanks Blush 

  • Hello Soki

    Welcome! I'm sorry you have to find yourself here, but it is a good place to get support and advice from others who are in the same situation.

    To answer your question, it is quite 'normal' for further scans to be carried out when a tumour is found, just to check whether there are other problems elsewhere. Try not to worry....most kidney cancers are treatable, either with surgery and/or immunotherapy or other drugs. This is the most difficult time for everyone, waiting for scan results and a treatment plan. Nothing happens fast enough!

    Try not to 'google'; most of the information you'll find on the internet is inaccurate or out-of-date, except for the reliable websites such as Kidney Cancer UK, Cancer Research UK....and this one!

    I hope you don't have to wait too long for the MRI result, and your appointment to discuss this with the oncology team.

    The 'something on the liver' could well be nothing to worry about.

    Hope you have some support from family and friends around you.

    Best wishes


  • I had a similar situation when they spotted a couple of bits on my liver that they did an MRI on ( my kidney cancer was around 7cm), the bits on the liver turned out to be hemangiomas (excuse spelling) which are not uncommon, and just a tangle of blood vessels that are not sinister and cause no problems.

    They are just being thorough and making sure that the cancer is contained in the kidney 

  • Thank you Chippy J. Still feeling a bit shell-shocked about it all but so glad I've found this forum!

  • Thank you Candysmum! The waiting for results is just awful! I live on my own so my mind does tend to run riot now and again!

  • Hi again Soki

    Whilst you are 'in limbo', waiting for things to happen, try to keep yourself busy and distracted by things you enjoy doing! The time will go much quicker.

    And make use of these forums, and the support helpline if you find yourself being anxious. There is no limit to how often you can post or phone!

    Hope all goes well for you


  • I went to the GP with a longstanding cough that I couldn't shift. GP identified liver function issues following blood tests.  Then I was sent for an ultrasound which discovered the tumour which lead to CT scan.   Somewhere in the middle of all this I was sent for an MRI but I didn't know why.  Weeks or months later I asked my oncologist what it was for.  He just read the letter and suggested it was requested by Gastroenterology, but definitely not oncology. 

    It would be so simple and easy to add a line to the appointment letter saying "this appointment has been requested by dept X or Dr Y".  

  • In reply to Mmum. As a lot of us know who are under various Consultants from different departments, what a massive ease on our mental health it would be if one Consultant spoke to another. Also I find it crazy GPs (well mine) don’t have access to hospital records??? I rang mine for further info on a CT scan a while back? as I wanted to know exactly what an ascending aortic aneurysm was. Firstly she said she didn’t have access to the report and secondly all she could tell me about the aneurysm was. ‘I think it’s serious’ she had no idea what it was !  

  • Good morning, sorry to hear about the renal finding. How are you? 

    When I had my CT scan back in April they found my kidney tumour however there was also a small nodule on my liver too. It was only 3-4mm.. however nothing else was mentioned about it .. they are not worried I guess.  

  • Hi New here also diagnosed with mestatic RCC To pancreas and Lung In August, after nephrectomy 8 years ago, Started Targeted Therapy and feeling awful constant nausea exhausted and wondering if its time to give up work? I can't get a straight answer anywhere I need a timeline I am struggling with the enormity of it all