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I’m really nervous this is my first time reaching out. 
last Friday 31st August I had my CT scan results. I was told by the consultant that I have a nasty tumour in my right Kidney, that it’s not good news and has spread to my left Lung, the cancer nurse told me it’s stage 4. Im absolutely shocked and I’m petrified. I’m 64 years old and I am so scared. My biopsy in next week.

I already suffered from anxiety and this has traumatised me. I just don’t know how to deal with this news. I feel so alone. 

  • Hi Dee,

    its a difficult time when you get diagnosed and for me it felt like they were talking about someone else , MacMillan do offer online counselling sessions which I would recommend taking as I never dealt with my deteriorating mental health until 6 months later. I had a tumour in my left kidney which then spread to my left lung, I’m on immunotherapy at the moment which is working well, once you see your oncologist you’ll have a better understanding of what treatments are available. Try and stay positive as I know that has helped me lots. There are lots of people in similar situations on here to talk to so feel free to reach out if you need any advice etc

  • Thank you so much for your reply, it’s just what I needed right now. It helps to know that I’m not alone on this journey. I would definitely like to talk to you again soon. 

    I really appreciate it, as I’ve been in a real state of panic. 

    so pleased that you're treatment is working well.

    Thank you Phil

  • Here if you ever need to vent/chat , stay as positive as you can , take care