Best way to help loved ones ❤︎

  • 2 replies
  • 70 subscribers

My name is Mandy. 
here as my ex husband who is 54. After a hospital admission for heart failure. An incidental finding of a kidney mass of 20cm.  Which more than likely cancer no official diagnosis yet. I’m looking for tips on how to help him deal with all this.  We are waiting on cpex test end of month then nephrectomony. 
he is so angry, scared and it’s so hard to watch him going through this. 

  • Hi Mandy, I am so sorry you had to join this  group but they are a very caring bunch. I would strongly recommend firstly  calling the MacMillan Support Line 0808 808 0000 who can answer any medical questions.  When I was first told I had a cancerous tumour I was devastated. There is lots of support on this site. You can speak directly to a trained nurse. They also offer free Bupa counselling which I used. It was really good and the counsellor really understood my fears, most of them unfounded. There is such a lot of treatment available now for kidney cancer and there are many lovely people on this forum who have overcome so such and are still living a normal fulfilling life. Take care. 

  • Hi Mandy, 

    I’ve just joined this group as I explore support for my mum following her recent partial nephrectomy (and upcoming full nephrectomy on other kidney!) so I’m not sure how much help I may be able to offer.
    just wanted to comment and share that all I can recommend at the moment for support is to note everything you can during appointments, be present, be you (don’t try to be anything else as you will burn out otherwise!) and prepare where possible to ease recovery post operation. 
    It’s difficult to watch someone go through this, but simply all you can do is listen, be present and let them lead through this journey xx 

    wishing you all the best xx