Pre op

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  • 69 subscribers

Hi Everyone, 

l’m new here. Diagnosed in February with a left kidney tumour stage 2. Having a radical nephrectomy on this Friday 10th. Nervous but want it over with after eight weeks waiting. Terrible shock but luckily it hasn’t spread. Best wishes to all. X

  • Hi JD, I hope you are having a good day! I know how tough those first days post op are! I used a cushion to apply over the wound on turning and getting up from bed or chair, which really helped to ease the discomfort. I turned a corner after two weeks and definitely by 4 weeks. 
    Hold on in there, it does get a whole lot easier. Wishing you a speedy recovery Heart️‍ 

  • Thank you. I keep becoming stupidly emotional. When you're so independent and don't rely on people, having to rely on my poor husband is making me emotional. I know he doesn't mind. But still . I'm sure over the next few weeks it'll get easier. My belly is still very gassy and swollen . I know it takes time. Also no one talks about toileting... number 2s... well I'm breaking the stigma... trying to wipe yourself absolutely kills those stomach incisions!! It's no joke!! I dread my morning poop!!  thought I'd be ok a few days later! What was I thinking!! These ops are high risk major procedures. I need to just go with the flow and take it easy x  hope everyone is ok too. Reach out if feeling the same 

  • Sympathy, Jd. I met that problem when I broke my arm and needed my poor husband’s assistance. Eventually we discovered that you can buy toileting aids for wiping. Not perfect but easier than bending. That is the search term to use! Hope this is helpful. 

  • Hi There, glad you mentioned about using the loo, it was quite a challenge indeed!! Although my lovely husband was doing everything that was No good no go!! Ha ha 

    i too was low in mood and emotional more so after the op than before! It’s very normal to feel up and down for a while. 
    Keep yourself occupied when you feel able as this really helps. Watching a comedy was good but couldn’t laugh properly for over two weeks! Or sneeze! All these things we take for granted. 
    Keep your chin up ShamrockGreen heartBlushx

  • I’m two weeks out from my partial nephrectomy. I have found going to the loo a challenge but better now. Fybogel helped a lot. At the beginning I cried a lot. I was also having hallucinations but they seemed to have settled. I get very tired. Some days I sleep most of the day. Having infected incisions is a bit of a nuisance. I wasn’t expecting this. I hope everyone is healing well xx

  • Hi stars2, hope you're ok! Exactly even that's a no go for my hubby!! X 
    how did you sit/ lay on sofa? I struggle at the moment. I can sit for 10 mins then ask hubby to get me up! I have slipped disc and osteoarthritis of my lower back L4/S1 so it is very rare that I sitJoyn sofa, usually lay left side, but can't. Right side I try not not lay as laying on it all night! Don't want to give myself any further aches! I feel like I'm a right moaner Joy .... ah well xx 

  • My consultant let me out on Saturday too,  had op on Friday 21/6 June out sat night 22/6... June..crazy . I was shocked. They said my bloods were good, urine output was good,? Bladder scan only 12ml remaining in bladder. So he said for infection purposes to go home! There was a lady next me on ward (small ward of 4) she was soiling herself every half hr so, in that respect I was glad to be home , as germs everywhere!!  So off I went home on a shot of morphine to make it more bearable! I think I fell asleep in the car as I cannot remember the 1/2 hr journey home. Xx  I think they do let you out too soon but equally you recover better in your own home. X  Even in hospital they want you walking around the next morning after op, I asked to be washed on the Saturday morning, thinking I'd have some assistance, nope, she gave me a bowl of warm water and cloths with medicated lotion and close curtains around me... so they want you to do things yourself, even though Saturday morning I was still out of it !!!  Crazy eh!! How times change! I'm 43 and seen the differences/changes in hospital. Never mind. Xx 

  • Hi Jd & Cilia, 

    I agree with about being discharged home the next day as I was., on the Saturday. I was so glad though as I hadn’t had a wink of sleep in a bay of six women and snoring etc; it is better to go home as there is increased risk of infection. I was sent home without pain relief!! So I had to shower that out. 
    Taking regular pain relief Jd will help you on the first two weeks and make it easier to get comfortable positions. 

    Best wishes to you both! Every day is a step closer to being your old self again BlushGreen heartShamrock️xx 

  • Thank you xx 

    you take care too