The waiting game

  • 4 replies
  • 71 subscribers

Hi, I am new to the group and appreciate everyone is different but I had a call last Thursday that after a routine scan on my liver an abnormality was showing in my kidney.  They have said it is small and I have to go for a chest scan to make sure it has not spread to my lungs.

is this a standard check that they do if they suspect kidney cancer or is it only in certain types.

I have tried to call back but am not able to get through to them as appreciate they are busy.


  • Hi - was the routine liver scan an ultrasound?  If so, next step is usually a CT scan because there's more detail on this one.  They may be able to make a diagnosis from it and whether it's spread outside the kidney or to another organ eg lungs.  This is what happened to me and their response sounds standard to me.  The type of cancer (if it is) would be determined later from a biopsy or after surgery.  Hope that helps.   PS small and early detection is good.  

  • Hi, it was an ultra sound on liver then a CT scan which showed the abnormality on the kidney and now I have to go for a chest scan to see if anything is showing on the lungs.  I think the previous CT scan was for my abdomen and pelvis.  So will see what this scan shows then it will go to MDT to see what next steps.  Feel a bit better knowing this is a standard way of checking.  Thank you for taking the time to reply I really appreciate it xx

  • Oh I see.  My US was on abdomen, which showed the abnormality on the kidney - an "incidental finding" they call it. Then after that it was CT scan on chest/abdomen/pelvis with contrast.  

  • Sorry to hear your news.

    Just to add to what Mmum has already said, i believe it's standared to establish if it's a solitary tumor or a primary, with a secondary elsewhere. These from what i've read so far are possibly, bones/lungs/brain. Best to know the whole picture going forward and on to potential treatment. Good luck friend