More tests

  • 2 replies
  • 45 subscribers

I have recently had a partial nephrectomy to remove a kidney mass in my right kidney. I have recently had blood tests for parathyroid and bone profile. The calcium levels are elevated. They have been elevated for the past year. I’m concerned that my GP now wants to see me to discuss the test. I know that elevated calcium levels can mean lots of different things apart from cancer. If it is cancer then I will have to face it. Before my surgery I had a CT with dye and a nuclear CT. I have bone foci which I was told were normal but they couldn’t decide on this. I can see an endocrinologist if necessary. I feel tired and I’m still recovering from the surgery.

  • Hi  

    With my wife I can certainly relate to the doctors finding things but not able to pin down what it is and come up with a plan going forward, it was very frustrating. One of the issues with scans of course is that there are probably no text-book models out there so generally they find "something". For my wife at one point they noted sarcoidosiss but then found Leiomyosarcoma too. 

    Like you say, if it is cancer then you will have to face it though sometimes an alternative difficult question might be what if it is not cancer.

    Hope your recovery from the surgery goes well



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  • Thank you for your reply. I am going to see an endocrinologist who I have seen previously. I still have an outstanding haematology appointment.