Operation in 2 weeks

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  • 43 subscribers

I have been lucky or so I'm told I have a small tumour discovered by chance. So I need a partial nephrectomy 

What I don't know is what I will feel post op what will I have tube wise etc. 

I'm scared but feel that I shouldn't be because I'm lucky 

  • Hi just wanted to say I'm now 4,days post op and got home on day 1.

    First 48 hours were a challenge but getting there now.

    Hooe you are doing well 

  • That's good to hear! It's usually a slow recovery process and take it from me, there will be days where you feel as though you are going "backwards". I'm at 6 weeks post op and just starting to feel normal-ish again.

    Just follow doctor's orders really - and walk when you can, I've found that helps.

    I had a specialist visit recently and was recommended to go on pembrolizumab to help prevent the cancer returning; decided to do that. Scan at Charing this morning and then a course of 9 jabs there every 6 weeks.

  • Thanks I guess it will be a slow recovery just frustrated after 5 days that even a walk around house exhausts me. It's not big house Joy I have very little appetite were you the same?

    I'm a way getting the injections will be reassuring?

    At this stage I don't know if I will need anything else treatment wise. Consultant didn't think so but will depend on pathology I suppose 

  • Yes, appetite was minimal but that returns gradually! Initial walks will soak up your energy - take it bit by bit, I did and am progressing well. There will be days that you will just want to rest - others you will feel better more often. Emotions will be a bit different as well.

    Pathology will be a "fork in the road" moment; I was lucky - all of the growth came out so the drug is a recommended way of trying to prevent the cancer returning.

    Ultimately, this is classed a major surgery that we've been through so recovery will be correspondingly slower - be patient is the key! 

    Do let me know if you want anything else!

  • It's such alot to get your head around. I feel I have gone from a fit active working woman. To an old sick one in a matter of weeks. Everything changed in a blink of an eye. 

    Were you the same? 

    Everyone says how lucky I am it was found as an incidental and easily treatable. However I keep thinking what else don't I know is it going to be worse than they thought. 

    I don't know if I'm making sense but I keep all this inside for my family sake. Say yes it's great all done now 

  • Me as well. The days leading up to it I was decorating, up and down ladders, gardening, exercising.....the day after the operation I was good for nothing and all my fitness "lost".

    It was a lucky spot with me too - I'm grateful for that. The surgeon reckoned that it had been there for c5 years!! So, things could have been much worse so I focus on that a lot.

    The next step is the results - thankfully mine was good and now on to the new jabs. 

    Hang in there - it will gradually get better but seem like it's taken forever. It's 7 weeks for me this Thursday and only now am I feeling I'm approaching the old me.