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Just wondered if anyone else has had speech problems post radiotherapy.

My partner finished his treatment in October 2024 and thank goodness it was a success. As well as the usual RT side affects his speech is still a problem in terms of being clear. Before his treatment his speech had started to be slurred which was due to the cancer having spread to his tongue. His tongue was quite swollen on the cancer side of his mouth but is reducing now and definitely not as swollen. His speech at times is really quite difficult understand and he lisps/slurs alot. He still finds he's either dry mouthed at times or excess saliva. 

He is due to be assessed by the Speech and Language Team this week but I just wondered if anyone else has had a similar problem with their speech. 

  • Hi 

    T2N1M0 Tonsil cancer HPV16+

    During and post chemoradio I had some speech probs CNS and SALT said it was common in patients, cleared up in a few months....though dry mouth still persists to some degree 20 months on.


  • Hi I  had an operation on my tongue and RT 30 sessions which finished end of June 2024. I also had head neck dissection and after that and my tongue op I could speak normally. Then after RT I noticed I had a bit of a lisp. Days I feel my tongue is swollen and stiff. I do all my exercises but still feel a lisp at times. Especially if dry mouth. At the minute I am using an iopi machine to help improve the muscles in my tongue and hopefully get rid of the lisp. I saw it at a conference and sussed it out myself but between my SLT and me we have it in loan for eight weeks to see if it helps. My tongue is definitely weaker with RT . Jackie

  • Hi Jackie sorry for jumping on someone else’s messages but it appears we have the same cancer problems. I wondered what an iopi is and how to obtain one. Since my tongue and neck dissection I was able to speak ok but since RT I lisp a lot especially when my mouth is dry. Also when you do your tongue exercises and you poke your tongue the opposite way to the cancer side does your tongue feel like it’s really pulling and it’s uncomfortable to do? Sue x

  • Dani 

    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019


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  • Hello Sue

    Answering your last question: yes, I do feel the pulling on that side, but no, it’s not uncomfortable.  Maybe I’m not trying hard enough!?


  • Thanks Dani much appreciated 

    Sue x

  • Hi Sue I'm I have been using the iopi machine now for two weeks. I go back to SLT tomorrow to see my progress. I definitely noticed a difference in my tongue strength especially this past two days. It's like doing the plank exercise only due your tongue lol. I can move my tongue further to one side this week. I definitely think it's helping build up my tongue muscles again. Plus you are supposed to use it for 12 weeks. If you need anymore info you can message me. Jackie x

  •  Hi. I didn’t have radiotherapy, but a lot of surgery at the back of my throat/tongue base. I struggled with talking due to swelling and scar tissue and it took about 4 months before I started to see big improvements. Speech therapy helped a lot. I think things just take longer to heal than we realise. 

    2 months later and this morning I just gave a 2-hour lecture to 60 undergrads. Things do improve!