Iopi machine

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After 7 months post RT my tongue and mouth feels very stiff. I do my mouth exercises but not much relief. I had head neck dissection also in March and my speech was all back to normal but I found after RT it made things a lot stiffer and I sometimes noticed a lisp in my speech . I sussed out a machine called iopi which I heard about at the swallows conference and today my SLT got one on loan for both her and myself . I now have it for eight weeks and it's all set up to go. I use it three times per day five days a week . I did find out today that my tongue muscles are definitely much weaker than people of my age due to the RT so this is supposed to help strengthen them and maybe get rid of my lisp. Will keep you all posted .

  • That looks an amazing device. Who on earth thought it up?

    I found the training manual HERE if anybody is interested. It's great that you have such an understanding and helpful SLT.

    Keep us updated


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019


    Macmillan Support Line -  0808 808 00 00 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

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  • Dani even after a few uses you feel your tongue more exercised compared to manual exercises. So I think it could be good. My hospital don't have the machines . I heard about it at the conference and I sussed out the company who sold them and persuaded them to let our hospital have a loan to try it. My daughter is doing a marathon in march for our cancer centre and the money she raises will hopefully enable the hospital to be able to buy both main device and patient machine. My SLT is absolutely amazing especially as she's so stretched with the NHS these days.