intermittent ear irritation after partial glossectomy

  • 12 replies
  • 44 subscribers

Recap -  I had partial glossectomy mid April and sentinel node biopsy - results were positive with clear margins and lymph nodes clear.

I did have some post op problem with neck wound infections and dreadful mouth bleed both resulting in return to hospital.  I continue with some tongue sensations and nerve problems - and I understand this happens as others have reassured me, but the last 4 weeks or so I have this intermittent ear problems, I am not sure if it is nerve pain or dryness(mouth very dry since op) plus how to describe it - well it is weird, like a small feather is tickling in side ear, or when bad ants running or my hair if over my ear irrates it, so I am constantly pushing hair behind ear.  There is no pain or discharge. 

I went to pharmasist and got some drops to help the itching worked at first and then came back, so went GP and was given Optimize spray first 3-4 days it was great but am still using it and it has started to bother me again.  

I did have earache after a biopsy and consultant did say alot of people report ear problems with mouth cancer.  But that was back before surgery.

I feel like on the whole all is going well - but this is starting to really annoy me.  

Has anyone else had problems, I keep saying that this side of mouth has had major surgery and bound to have nerve sensations etc.

Finally saw Consultant in early May and was due to see early August now put back 3 weeks. Is this time scale about right as told would need follow up for 5 years and told I must remain diligent.  Also should I discuss ear with him or how should I move forward.

Thank you.

  • Hi Lanclassie

    That's wonderful that you have had such a good result from your op.

    The ear problem does sound annoying. I would discuss with your consultant but it does sound a bit like a nerve sensation issue. There are so many nerves cut during ops and it can result in lots of different sensations happening that you don't normally have. However best to have it checked out when you see your consultant to see if there is an easy solution. Your consultant will have seen it all. I still get all sorts of funny sensations where I have had my ops. and I have had a few over time. Sometimes I forget all about them when I am occupied and other times they get a bit annoying. Just something I have learnt to live with over time.



  • Thank you so much for this.

    It seems such a small thing to concern me  on the greater scale of things and I have been truly lucky with the outcome and have to say the symptoms from the start were sometimes in this ear.

    Like you mention I do get some weird sensations - sure mostly nerve  related.  But this can drive you mad with the wanting to itch in earSlight smile

    Seeing consultant next month so will mention it.

    Many thanks

  • Hi I am 18 months post surgery and in March was moved to 6 monthly reviews.   I was told that if I had any concerns between.visits that I should contact consultants secretary.   

  • Thank you Mick....was told this too, will speak with her Monday

  • Better to be vigilant.  I've had to bring  my appointment forward as I've lost my sense of taste, developed tinnitus in my left ear and intermittent strange sensations in my tongue.   

  • Mick just a quick question - how often are you seen.  Last seen May and next is 3 weeks is that about right...

  • I had the same procedures as you in January 2023 and was  seen approximately every 7 weeks until early March 2024 when consultant suggested six monthly reviews.  I was happy with this as I know I could always bring appointment forward and would have Dental checks in-between .   

  • Again thank you.

    I actually have appt with my dentist this Monday - bless him his quick action started this.  So will have a chat with and speak with consultants secretary.

    I rather think consultant away as my 6th Aug appt but back 2 weeks.

    I do intend to ask consultant if I will have follow uo scan as no mention made of this,

    Once again thank you so much for your replies.

  • I had an ultrasound on my neck  in June as  consultant wanted  base position but not sure if the protocols are the same for all NHS trusts.  Let us know how you get on.   

  • I am a little ahead of you. My operation was in Dec 2023. I had my first ultrasound in June so I imagine you will get one soon.

    my last appointment was also in May and my next on 25/8. I am being reviewed every 3 months.

    I really hope the ear problem settles soon it does sound irritating.