intermittent ear irritation after partial glossectomy

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Recap -  I had partial glossectomy mid April and sentinel node biopsy - results were positive with clear margins and lymph nodes clear.

I did have some post op problem with neck wound infections and dreadful mouth bleed both resulting in return to hospital.  I continue with some tongue sensations and nerve problems - and I understand this happens as others have reassured me, but the last 4 weeks or so I have this intermittent ear problems, I am not sure if it is nerve pain or dryness(mouth very dry since op) plus how to describe it - well it is weird, like a small feather is tickling in side ear, or when bad ants running or my hair if over my ear irrates it, so I am constantly pushing hair behind ear.  There is no pain or discharge. 

I went to pharmasist and got some drops to help the itching worked at first and then came back, so went GP and was given Optimize spray first 3-4 days it was great but am still using it and it has started to bother me again.  

I did have earache after a biopsy and consultant did say alot of people report ear problems with mouth cancer.  But that was back before surgery.

I feel like on the whole all is going well - but this is starting to really annoy me.  

Has anyone else had problems, I keep saying that this side of mouth has had major surgery and bound to have nerve sensations etc.

Finally saw Consultant in early May and was due to see early August now put back 3 weeks. Is this time scale about right as told would need follow up for 5 years and told I must remain diligent.  Also should I discuss ear with him or how should I move forward.

Thank you.