Weaning off pain relief!?

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Hi all

I can’t believe I’m saying it, but thank goodness I’m 2 months post end of treatment, yahoo!!

I won’t go over how tough it’s been, I know you all know, blimey we’re a tough lot!!

However, I’m now at a stage where now I’m feeling a little better, I’d like to be able to drive again……it’s rather lonely living alone, and all the visitors have dwindled off.  I’m currently taking 10mg of slow release ‘Oxycodone’ both morning and night ie 20mg in total a day.  I reduced this with the agreement of my team on Saturday, from 30mg a day.  The nurse suggested I go with 20mg for a week and see how get on, then reduce to maybe 15mg for a week and so on.    Has anyone else gone through this, how long did it take to come off the ‘controlled’ meds……I’m so very desperate to drive again

Deborah x

  • This really helps and very much confirms, I’m pushing and expecting too much of myself, thank you.

    Yes, just keep thinking I need to forget about this year in terms of fitness and concentrate on getting better, slowly!

    thank you x

  • I’m pushing and expecting too much of myself, thank you.

    RT takes an awful lot out of the body. It resets the metabolism to speed healing for a start. Thats why we can eat lots of calories for a good while after treatment. You do have to pace yourself. It’s hard if you are used to being active 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019

    I wrote a blog about my cancer. just click on the link below 


    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • Yes, the reminder of these facts is good for me, thank you.

    It is difficult, I’ve been very active my whole life, reared 3 active boys!  This is just so alien to me.

    One day at a time Fingers crossed tone1

  • Hi Deborah

    Finished ChemoRadio over a year ago, when I try to do too much my body soon lets me know, my energy levels are still improving, getting out for a few holes of golf certainly beats PEG feeding.


  • Hiya Cake Lover 

    personally I’d pull out with the option to join if that’s possible . 15 miles with a break the next day I’d say sure, but 5 days on the trot could really set you back.  You’re also still on heavy meds. Could you do alternate days? 

    I was never on painkillers much. Didn’t need morphine, but took  paracetamol maybe twice a day. Morning and evening.  I stopped all pain relief 4 months ago 

    fingers crossed you can ditch the pain meds Fingers crossed

  • Yes, nightly b&b’s are booked but I’d rather just lose the money than harm my recovery . Stupidly it was planned in the early stages of my diagnosis, as a ‘something to look forward to’. As it’s something I would ordinarily do without training or trying too hard.  Also and stupidly thinking, it would be ‘good for my recovery’……now I know of course, it’s the complete opposite that is required, rest, rest and more rest.  Its finally sunk in Thumbsup tone1

    Yes, it’s all a bit vague now, I’m not sure just how I ended up on them in all honesty, really wish I wasn’t though now.  Hoping to be off them in 3 weeks or so Fingers crossed tone1

  • good to know.. still adjusting to my new lifestyle, and learning the do's and don'ts.. after all, I wouldn't want to undo all the hard work it took to get where I am now.. 

    Loz (61)

    Oropharyngeal right tongue base T2N2bM0 squamous cell carcinoma p16 positive.. 

  •  Not sure how much I need them for pain relief now, as much as addiction?

    We don’t get addicted. Addiction starts in your head. What does happen though is that your body builds a tolerance which is why you have to withdraw slowly. 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019

    I wrote a blog about my cancer. just click on the link below 


    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • You know we have little clue what we will face till we’re facing it.  I entered this journey at my fittest. I was also gung ho to get out there and get moving. I did start light weight training within 3 weeks andter treatment and 1kg felt like I was holding a house in each hand .  I learned to listen to my body and take a break every other day and only step and walk a couple of miles  just so I felt I was doing something.  Inactivity was the biggest mental issue I had to cope with .  Since then my attitude has changed. Whereas before I was hard on myself , now I have a way more chill attitude.  Took a while to get there. 
    As long as I can close my Apple Watch rings every day, I’m happy. Joy

  • We sound very similar, I’ve always driven myself hard too.  Whilst in some things it’s a great trait, as we have learnt, sometimes it’s not.  I look forward to hopefully being more relaxed and living a chilled future Thumbsup tone1

    I may have to ditch my Apple Watch….same JoyRolling eyes